Friday, December 30, 2011

knut, siku, human zoos & sculptures

Knut, 2007
Siku, 2011
Knut proponents are riled up about Siku at the Scandinavian Wildlife Park, Denmark. Siku is cute, but it's not Knut. ('The new knut' whose mother had not enough milk is not really an orphan.) Knut fans are mustering a memorial tribute with voting until January 8, 2012 on 42 entries: Pick a knut memorial sculpture. Be prepared, some of the submissions are underwhelming.

Footballer turned curator.  Lilian Thuram's 'Human Zoos: The Invention of the Savage' --- "traces the history behind circuses, stage shows and 'zoos' in which people were the exhibits, dating it back to 1492 when Christopher Columbus displayed six 'Indians' at the Spanish royal court" (Daily Mail article). The exhibition is at Paris' Quai Branly, France, from Tuesday 29th November to Sunday 3th June 2012.
See more, including a video and the museum's website. Following his retirement in 2008, he established the Lilian Thurman Foundation.

In politics, Thuram made headlines during the 2007 French elections by calling out the institutionalized racism of Nicolas Sarkozy. (Article: France World Cup player Lilian Thuram now fights racism, November 11, 2009.)

Speaking of, there was a nazi encounter with swastikas and death threats on Christmas Eve for a biracial couple in Newmarket, Ontario. The man, from Nigeria ('nigger'), and the white woman ('whore'), are considering moving. The couple has already spent $6000 repairing damages. It isn't the first time.

An Occupy sculpture was hauled away from an encampment in Calgary, Alberta.

You can sign the Petition: Keep the “Heart of the Beast” sculpture as a permanent part of Olympic Plaza.

what a jerk. pick1

It was the taunt.

Elizabeth May: Very difficult to get to COP. UN deadline 2 apply passed before Kent told us we were not on del.

Justin Trudeau: This is a tradition that goes back 20 years of bringing multiple voices to a conference. He did not, they did not.

Peter Kent: "he chided NDP critic Megan Leslie for being ill-informed about last week's climate-change conference because she hadn't attended."

"Justin Trudeau calls on Peter Kent to issue his own apology after expletive-tinged Commons clash" source

wowzers: prevent NDP critic Megan Leslie from attending, then blame her for not being there. that's a bit fecal!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

republican theory of voter

Paul Weyrich, the "founding father of the conservative movement," addressed a seminal Religious Right gathering held in Dallas in the fall of 1980:

Video: Republican theory of voter

Weyrich: How many of our Christians have what I call the googoo syndrome. Good government. They want everybody to vote. I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people. They never have been from the beginning of our country, and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections, quite candidly, goes up as the voting populace goes down.

Jerry Falwell and Ronald Reagan also addressed the gathering. Weyrich cofounded the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority, Free Congress Foundation, American Legislative Exchange Council, and continues to host weekly strategy sessions for right-wing leaders.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

bronco goes to dc, little black lies & the castle

Well, Gary Mar came back from the Alberta Embassy in Washington for the provincial Progressive Conservative (PC) leadership race, which he lost, so now he's being shipped to China Hong Kong. Asia. The U.S. vacancy will be filled, as was Mar's position, i.e. without due process, by former Calgary mayor Dave 'Bronco' Bronconnier for about nine months. Hopefully, Ambadassador Gordon Campbell in the UK, Bronco in Washington and Mar in Asia can birth their many bouncing baby pipelines, mines, logging inroads.

Lettuce earnestly hope that no mention will be made by these 3distinguished gentlemens of an Alberta grizzly bear expert, who lives in self-imposed exile (Missoula, Montana). Anyway... a new book by Jeff Gailus is upcoming. 'Little Black Lies: The War on Truth in the Battle for the Tar Sands' will be published by Rocky Mountain Books in Fall 2012.

Of the Castle Special Management Area, he says:

It was ostensibly “protected” as part of the Alberta government’s Special Places Program in 1998, but unlike other candidate parks, it wasn’t protected by legislation; it was simply managed as one under government policy, which has been ineffective to say the least. Logging and energy development continue to this day.

In 'Legislation, not policy, foundation of environmental protection,' Fast Forward Weekly, Nov 3, 2011.

A provincial park is still waiting: Andy Russell - I'tai sah kòp Wildland Park was proposed in 2005 for the Castle and/or Castle-Crown Wilderness. See the media release, notes and letter.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

fur trade: p-bears, beavis & chinese khats&dawgs

There is talk (Senator Eaton) of changing Canada's official emblem, national symbol, from a beaver-vagina (see: slang and merkins) to a polar bear.

The beaver has a long history, with the Hudson's Bay Company:

By the year 1600, the need for more beaver fur exploded. European beavers were dying out because of over-hunting, and new fashions, like hats, used lots of beaver felt. Which was why the discovery of the North American beaver was like a miracle to hat-makers! source 

In China, "When the fur is finally peeled off over the animals' heads, their hairless, bloody bodies are thrown onto a pile of those who have gone before them. Some are still alive, breathing in ragged gasps and blinking slowly. Some of the animals' hearts are still beating five to 10 minutes after they are skinned. One investigator recorded a skinned raccoon dog on the heap of carcasses who had enough strength to lift his bloodied head and stare into the camera." source: PETA

Millions of dommestic dogs and cats plus rabbits, foxes, coyotes, mink, raccoons and other animals are suffering unconscionable treatment and agonozing death in China where there are no animal welfare laws. Dogs and cats for example are being crushed into barbed wired cages for transport to slaughter and forced to lay on each other for days with no food or water.

Stores across the world are selling mislabeled fur from these dogs, cats, rabbits and other animals in China.  China supplies more than half of the finished fur garments imported for sale in the United States. The fur products on store shelves are from these same animals and range from purses to key chain accessories to collar accents to coats and more.  You can help support the abolishment of animal cruelty by not buying or waering any fur products." source

Saturday, October 22, 2011

9/17/35 - mackay repatriation flites

Sept 28, 2011. "In approximately 50 per cent of the total challenger flights minister MacKay has taken, he has taken these flights to attend the repatriation of fallen military personnel," spokesman Jay Paxton told CTV News in an email.

CTV probe reveals Peter MacKay's $3M jet tab

However, documents show that out of 35 flights, only nine were for repatriation ceremonies. In fact, many of the flights were for press conferences and political announcements. article
"Peace Tower flag won't be lowered for military deaths," April 24, 2006
In 2006: The Conservative government says from now on the flag atop the Peace Tower in Ottawa will not be lowered to half-mast in honour of fallen Canadian soldiers... For more than 80 years Canada honoured its war dead by lowering flags on federal buildings on Remembrance Day. Former prime minister Jean Chrétien changed that in April 2002, when 4 Canadian soldiers were killed by U.S. bombs in Afghanistan. article

Thursday, October 20, 2011

press release: atomic radiation is more harmful to women

Nuclear Information & Resource Service
October 18, 2011
For Immediate Release

Excerpt: Women as a group suffer significantly more from the impact of ionizing radiation than do men. Today Nuclear Information and Resource Service published a Briefing Paper that focuses on a dramatic fifty-percent greater incidence of cancer and fifty-percent greater rate of death from cancer among women, compared to the same radiation dose level to men. To be clear: males suffer cancer and cancer death from exposure to ionizing radiation; but gender difference in the level of harm has been to date underreported.

like banking regs, conservatives ♥ black-footed ferrets

Press Release
Government of Canada Marks Third Release of black-footed Ferrets in Grasslands National Park
Endangered Species Bringing Canadians Together
Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan, October 19, 2011– On the occasion of the third release of black-footed ferrets onto the Canadian prairies in Grasslands National Park, the Honourable Peter Kent, Canada's Environment Minister and Minister responsible for Parks Canada, today acknowledged the continued success of this species at risk program.

Grasslands National Park is gaining 15 black-footed ferrets
Wednesday as Parks Canada sends the group into the wild. source

Disingenuous: Stephen Harper has always supported bank deregulation and here and...

USA: Black-footed Ferret: The Comeback Kid Celebrates 30 Years of Rediscovery
Grasslands National Park: Grasslands National Park designated The Darkest Dark Sky Preserve, Oct '09

old man - redlight king

railroad spike
Redlight King.

"Old Man" is not a cover but rather offers up a reluctant salute to his own father, a larger-than-life figure who taught school by day and raced stock cars at night, while paying homage to rock icon Neil Young's song of the same name. source

Old Man:

speculation: racist hate crime? wai ho tam

This is awful. In July 14, 2010, an old man is going for a walk, then sits at a bus stop to rest (Wai Ho Tam, 79). Some cow comes along and knocks off his baseball cap, and he goes to pick it up. She shoves him, he falls, and hits his head on the sidewalk. The old man is taken to the hospital, and later moved to a longterm care facility - due to that injury! - where he dies. RIP: March 17, 2011.

Coincidentally, it appears to have happened during Calgary Stampede, July 9-18, 2010. Police say drugs and alcohol are not a factor and they don't suspect a hate crime, either, but who would really say.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

flood stories: so, anyway

After that terrible, absurd summer - graduations, finals, work as displaced persons - we moved, again, to another neighborhood, and worked to get our bearings with schools, bus routes, the fostered pets back, furniture, groceries, paid off the extra bills and the rest of it like fucking real estate prices and high rent and the landlord on rent-to-own that wasn't. Life started to feel a bit like camping. After a summer of endless laundry and sorting, salvage, some things I just put away, and have been going through recently.

Next thing you know, about the one year anniversary of our big change, there's shocking city news, family murder-suicide, several blocks away! Well, big fucking brouhaha welcome, let me say, fucking dead fucking kids and mom and tenant journalism student or gory whatever and I'd NEVER be cozily buried beside an SOB who murdered my kids but people are weird and that wasn't a very nice omen, which was followed by shocking national news of a strange decapitation on a Greyhound bus, and it all makes one wonder, is all I can say, what with the mysterious hum.

I would have moved sooner, as rent prices started to fall a bit, but at some point there was some stability to factor in, on account of the schools and kids' friends etc. And look, was that Mike Harris on the Enmax Board of Directors re those ridiculous bills at those all of homes, temporary and otherwise, that summer?
On June 8, 1995 Mike Harris became the twenty-second Premier of Ontario following a landslide election victory. In 1999, he was re-elected — making him the first Ontario Premier in over 30 years to form a second consecutive majority government. source
Oh never mind, there was a shake up there already. Yeah, so the old property flooded again. That makes twice in four years, a river through the front door. The new house flooded, too, just in the basement, several times and 2x over Christmas break in 2009, due to what appeared to be periodic root/sewer problems or somethiing, so we threw things out again, decided to move, just as soon as I recovered from a goddamned nervous water housing breakdown.

That was that. None of us is the same.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

violence: calgary stampede (july 8-17, 2011)

Wild West: It has come to my attention that there is a lot of violence during Stampede. It seems that young men see it as a time to get liquored, with the sole intention of fighting. They roam around in gangs. My story about a loved one, who was freshly home from school, in another city, which I relay:

He was quite excited to see his friends, bought himself a cowboy shirt, took his girl and they went out. The sad part is that he was happy to be back in Calgary. After a random beer bottle was flung in their direction, while the couple faced each other, so behind my son's back, and after a hearty, drunken 'Fuck you' (uttered by my son), the dudester came towards them, whipping off his black t-shirt, at which time this couple turned to walk (or stumble) away, because they surmised that dudester was a... nutbar?

And so, the dudester barreled into him from behind, knocked him down. As he started to get up to fight, my son was kicked in the face. ("Curb-stomped," as is the parlance.) The rest is about the ambulance, the presence-of-mind and later disturbed girlfriend who hadn't seen gushing blood until that, the dental surgery, smashed face, so it's lucky the jaw wasn't broken. My other son was so outraged, says it happens all the time and he doesn't even engage in the [whatever it is]. Yes, men will be men.

As an aside, the medical costs are not covered (to reset the teeth) and they'll probably be, say, 2G. There is a program in Alberta for victims of crime, and we were sent the financial benefits package in July, to which we will apply when all the costs are totaled; they're still in process.

Another person I spoke with said the atmosphere downtown was disgusting: the business suits in drunken vomit and stench, so that person isn't too interested in the big annual event, either.

Monday, October 10, 2011

occupy wall street, chris hedges & the man in the yellow...

Tie. Video. So, first Obama says with some gravity that all across main street and so on, and is followed by this interview: Mr. Whoever Obnoxious and Mr. Cogent (guest), on CBC news.

Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter and author Chris Hedges
talks about the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement.
Chris Hedges interview: October 6, 2011.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

gory update on bears

See: gud year 4bearies (Sept 29) 4sum strange, primitive, so-called wildlife management, or so it seams.

The Bow Valley WildSmart program is a proactive conservation strategy that encourages efforts by communities to reduce negative human - wildlife interactions.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

coyote paws, SK $20 bounty '10 & custer

Alberta: "The carcasses were found with their paws cut off near Cypress Hills Provincial Park, which straddles the Alberta-Saskatchewan border and is about 80 kilometres southeast of Medicine Hat, Alta." source

The Cypress Hills are where Sitting Bull went, after The Battle of Little Bighorn (Battle of the Greasy Grass), June 25-26, 1876.
As a medicine man, he was shot in a double cross December 15, 1890, which was followed by Wounded Knee on December 28.

Wrzesnewskyj, CSIS, china, ignatieff and wheat

CSIS director Richard Fadden and foreign interference (June 2, 2011).

Wrzesnewskyj at Future Bakery
He had compiled a list of people who would testify before the committee, along with evidence—including a sworn affidavit from a former Chinese consular official in Australia—that substantiated Fadden’s claims that some mayors and provincial ministers may be under Chinese influence. ("Former MP Says Ignatieff Quashed Chinese Influence Questions," Sept. 29, 2011)

Gaye Delorme died this summer
Gay Delorme died suddenly (June 24) at age 64: 'some incredible slide through a Purdy TD-55 Tweed,' wrote Earache My Guitar Metal with Tommy Chong and Cheech Marin, Sailor Sailor '99... more.

Wiki: In the early 1970s he led a Jimi Hendrix-styled power trio called The Window in Edmonton, Alberta. During this period, he could also be heard in jazz jams around town, or at the Hovel folk club. He moved from Edmonton to Calgary and played in country bands there for a few years, until forming another trio to play his original rock and blues oriented tunes to play the dance club scene in Alberta.

rhinos, desmond tutu 2/2, china & a no tibetan b-day party guest

China put some pressure on the South African government of Jacob Zuma. Desmond Tutu invited His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama to his 80th birthday party.The Dalai Lama had to cancel, no entry visa. Desmond Tutu about it: video.
Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe tried to tamp down the dispute, telling The Star newspaper that South Africa was ready to grant the Dalai Lama a visa when the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader decided to cancel the trip. source
Also, recently, South African 'Groenewald Gang' expected in court tomorrow (Sept 29, 2011) from Rhino Horn is Not Medicine and more about illegal trade:

Sunday, October 2, 2011

spelunking of immolation: 2railroads & china

Canadians helped China with theirs (Qinghai–Xizang railway, Bombardier, China-Tibet) by providing special cars. Chinese-Tibetan folk singer Han Hong has a song called Tianlu, Road to Heaven; 天路, praising the railway.

China-Tibet railway
And the Chinese built ours (not allowed in picture).

The last spike, Craigallachie (Nov 7, 1885)
Chinese Head Tax and Exclusion Act
See: More protest against harsh Chinese rule.

Wiki:  From 1959 to 1964, Tibetan guerrillas were secretly trained at Camp Hale by the CIA. The Tibetan project was codenamed ST Circus, and it was similar to the CIA operation that trained dissident Cubans in what later became the Bay of Pigs Invasion.

At the time of the sexytime Bob Dechert emails with a Xinhua reporter, the federal government's primary announcement of the day, and anouncements they are, no questions please, was Aglukkaq's appeal for Somalia.

Friday, September 30, 2011

of oil camps, mice, gestapo

BONS MOTS: Words with the pictures describe slimy food, stinky bathrooms and staff that look the other way. ("Oilfied company defends firing over blog," Oct 11, 2010):
Electrician Mike Thomas said he was canned Thursday by his contractor on Suncor Energy's orders.
And, another camp attendant says,
Shots she took of a non-Suncor camp show dead mice laying on the floor and a bath mat's worth of hair scooped out of a shower stall. "It's not just Suncor that's like this. It's absolutely everywhere. Ninety per cent of camps I go to are absolutely disgusting," she said.
The Universe According To Mike, here.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

gud year 4bearies

Alberta oil camp invaded by bears:

Update1: Bears shot after invading camp.

Update2: 4 bears killed at oil camp: "Workers at a northern Alberta oil site are outraged after a wildlife officer shot and killed a mother black bear and her three cubs for entering their camp's living area. They claim camp managers are negligent for allowing garbage and food to be stored outside and refusing to build a fence around the compound." Daily Herald-Tribune, Grande Prairie

Youtube: Aramark camp bear shootings, Aramark camp bear shootings pt2

A mom and her 3 cubs were destroyed at an Aramark camp just outside Conklin, Alberta. The camp does not have a fence around the camp and didn't store their garbage properly. The camp workers let the bears come and go and didn't notify the wildlife people about the problem until it was too late! This is wrong and this "American Company" should pay for what is happening out here. These poor bears did not deserve this at all!

Note: Suncor shareholders own 60 per cent of the merged company. (Petro-Canada)

Monday, September 26, 2011

speculation: rat3pack to$ monetize$ wolfhunt

Gary, and whats-his-name (covert, deleted emails or he's not here), and former energy minister Rick got it in with the hunting crowd and lodges and high end US trophy game hunters. And we all know the thousand plus wolves gotta go, for the woodland caribou recovery, says federal environment person, or no says another.

"Canada’s Minister of Environment Peter Kent supports a plan that would shoot or poison wolves that have been preying on caribou." Or was that paradis industry, can never remember, which is switch.

What's that worth, a heli hunt per wolf? Co-inkadinkly, and must be nice bizniz as usual fer flyboyz, "What is it, and why does vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin support the practice?"

Haha! Reminds me of the funny Armstrong ranch story, 2006, and the hunt: Dick Cheney shoots Harry Whittington, mistakes a campaign contributor for a quail.

ising on see jay double ohsevens Cake: d*ck

Waiting for Godot in calgariallachie:

"Local right-wing gadfly and embarrassment to the city, Vancouver's Paris Hilton, Leah Costello, is hosting war criminal Dick Cheney at her very elite, very right wing Bon Mot book club. It is somehow appropriate that a member of the cocktail wienie set is responsible for inviting such a 'controversial' criminal to our country and fair city. Protests are being organized and a healthy turnout is expected."
Dear Jack,
In Feb '09 I wrote the other VP. It was kind of a suggestion. Maybe I imagined it but well, anyway, the CBC hires people with journalism training, professionals, even though I like jingle singers, too. I tried to arrange for more computer security. After Sail, that wasn't on the playlist, I like Walking on the Sun, a nice swank.

Haha! That reminds me of those funny phone and email hacking Murdoch news stories, which co-inkidinkly is like guantanamo and illegal war haha. And so, have a great torture day, y'all.

The last thyme, in my time, on March 17th '09, someone tried a citizen's arrest on GWB. I followed the case, and buddy would have had to have witnessed the torture, personally.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

goin' to the chapel. stained glass, eagle worship

forensics: Douglas W. Owsley
America's Heroes Memorial and chapel are located where American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the building.

184($4)(13) pentagram 77 pee benches for4 7th anniversary

This doesn't seem like a good physiological idea:

New 9/11 Memorial at the Pentagon
{mêmeaerial, pentigone} The direction of the bench, signifies if the victim was a passenger or in the Pentagon at the time of the crash.

sen. lieberman on muammar qadhafi '09

“We never would have guessed 10 years ago that we would be sitting in Tripoli, being welcomed by a son” of Muammar Qadhafi, remarked Lieberman, according to the document. Lieberman called Libya an important ally in the war on terrorism, noting that common enemies sometimes make better friends. ("Leaked cable: JohnMcCain pushed to arm Qadhafi")

{themujahideen} مجاهدين

tripoli in green2 india, a flag controversy

Celebrating 'Libyan' crowd waving Indian flags in Tripoli (BBC)
How stupid can the coverage on Libya get?? Very,

2008, source

Friday, August 26, 2011

glenn beck's eucalyptus gas, vicks & $24m crocodile tears

Glenn Beck EXPOSED Crying On Cue Using Vicks Under His Eyes

glenn beck's brokeback snake or 912 lib{id}os

September 10, 2001. The Missing Money. Trillions of dollars are missing from the US government. a 9.10.01

Kundalini (kuṇḍalinī, Sanskrit: कुण्डलिनी, Thai: กุณฺฑลินี) literally means coiled. In yoga, a "corporeal energy" - an unconscious, instinctive or libidinal force ..

Thursday, August 25, 2011

salmon inquiry, 'events in Japan' & trout

The Cohen Commission (Commission of Inquiry into the Decline of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River) today heard from Kristi Miller, who's been under pressure it seems to say nothing public, like other scientists, about her study and federal government science... stuff. There appears to be a little funding problem.
A research program led by geneticist Kristi Miller which recently discovered a new virus that could be a factor in declining Fraser River sockeye has no funding to continue its work, the Cohen Commission heard Thursday. more (Vancouver Sun)
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency issued notification to media outlets that it was testing sockeye salmon for radiation levels in August and September 2011.
The federal government often refers to the reported meltdown of three nuclear reactors in Fukushima as "the events in Japan", rather than using more descriptive language. However, the words "nuclear crisis" appeared once in today's statement. more (Georgia Strait)

There was no spokesperson to take questions about the testing of 'this important commodity.'
In Yellowstone, between the lake and cutthroat trouts is a Judas team, 'a strike force in the biggest lake-trout-killing program in the nation.'

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ai WeiWei, Franke James & political climates

“Who was the idiot who approved an art show by that woman, Franke James?”
Memorable words from one of Canada’s top officials on hearing that the Canadian Embassy in Croatia had offered support for Franke’s art show.

Ai WeiWei is a Chinese artist, who is now out of jail ("suspected economic crimes") and under house arrest, without his passport. He was offered a teaching position at Berlin University for the Arts, so even if he wants that assignment, at the moment he cannot leave the country.
Franke James is an artist, who had her funding for a trip to Croatia revoked by the Canadian government. Incidentally, the (drowning polar bear) guy is suspended and, who knows, maybe he is an hostage in a US debt ceiling agreement deal; Charles Monnett is under investigation about melting Arctic ice. Another taboo is the genomic analysis of sockeye salmon. Kristi Miller, a federal scientist, is not allowed to talk to anyone, as per the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans ("some even suggesting a government conspiracy to save itself some embarrassment should its trade practices prove to be spreading it") or, the geologist and the most controversial 13,000 year-old flood.
Franke James: The Canadian Government, led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party, is actively working to shut down my solo European art exhibition, which is set to tour 20 cities in Europe. The government’s interference includes phoning the corporate sponsor, and persuading them to cancel their $75,000 sponsorship.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

on a bat and a bear

Lucid psychosis, that's all what it is.

I explained this elsewhere simply and in greater detail,
but the graffiti seems to be missing.

a wortzel about chuckles and paramilitary parapoops

"The last First World War combatant, who has died aged 110, was staunchly anti-war and snubbed remembrance day despite a 41-year navy career that began when he was just 14. He refused to mark Armistice Day or join other veterans' events like Australia's annual ANZAC Day commemorations." (Claude Chuckles Choules, d. 5 May 2011)

In Canada, the last WWI vet didn't want fanfare, so the government gave it to him. In Calgary, the Calatrava Bridge controversy with overruns and improper approvals nearly bent itself sideways into The Bow - with the other real estate scandal (or another or other or other) - to become the pricey Piece Bridge to honour soldiers, so everyone just forgot about the issues, and the fact there are 2 other foot bridges, not far away, and it appears this one is for the high-end condos?

Memorial drive flags, the foliage hides 'lest we.' And that's not even half of it: the Centre Street Bridge rebuilt upper lion lower deck's vibrations in a jumpy, jumpy late 2008 and the satellite crashes with an (almost) in February '09 on Friday 13th. There were big dreams about it, a city on a big terrible fire, followed by a prorogue or 2 or three, and now there is public transit on the vista.
Initially, the information indicated the space debris was headed for Calgary, but a short time later that was revised to an area 110 kilometres east of the city. read more
A post-blast Аэрофлот space junk.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Indra, celebrated god of Rig Veda & weather and a grasshopper

Meta4ickly, I was on Indra. Today, I'm on Agni and/or maybe a short Hestia, although my absolute favorite is the one I lost (a necklace, ... late '88), which was the rockingest. So, just checking out Blood and Honour Canada's footprints in the city, the unusual trucks and motorbikes and pipe channels and stuff.

East England: Young naturalists find rare pink
grasshopper (13 Jul 2011). read article

That lost pendant reminds me of a funny story about a classmate's thesis: the author of the Book of Revelation was high. The guy had researched quite a bit of the peyote in the biblical era.

John of Patmos

Indra: War, Storms, and Rainfall; governing weather and dispensing rain.

Friday, July 15, 2011

public outrage seminars

For government and/or business and/or government/business.

Handy dandy historical revisionism.

Fox News' Eric Limpy Bolling: 'I Don't Remember' Any Terrorist Attacks On America During President Bush's Term (VIDEO)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

an bordello & dark rooms

Hi marx for playdough's repubic!
... bacchanalia & calgariallachie, ayatollah cardigan's fatwa (Arabic: فتوى‎).
You say (nothing), I say: fledermaus.

"Ptarmigan egretsWikiLeaks assASSination re-mark," Dec 1, 2010

Nouriel 'Dr. Doom' Roubini: ‘Karl Marx Was Right’ (August 13, 2011)
Economist Nouriel "Dr. Doom" Roubini, the New York University professor who four years ago accurately predicted the global financial crisis, said one of economist Karl Marx's critiques of capitalism is playing itself out in the current global financial crisis. source: International Business Times

The poets were expelled must be exiled excluded from the ideal republic that will have has no sensorys or emotions. - playdough
See also: Christian Hellenism.

And, the Conservative party's Constituent Information Management System (CIMS) files are not governed by PIPEDA regulations.

What the Tories know about you (Mar. 31, 2009):
“Zoey” is a central city inhabitant who eats organic food and is of no interest to them; ditto with “Marcus and Fiona,” a high-income urban couple with no children and professional jobs. But “Dougie” is a favourite, a tradesman in his 20s from a small town. And so is “Eunice,” 70, a widow, and “Steve [who owns his own business] and Heather” in their 40s with three children living in the suburbs.

The Conservatives have enlisted neighbourhood leaders – sports team coaches, community activists – to report information on voters to the party's data collectors and introduce potential supporters to party campaigners, a technique known by its acronym of FRAN: Friends, Relatives, Acquaintances and Neighbours. source

Thursday, July 7, 2011

bison herds, rail & cattle barons, U.S. army, fences & extinction

Kill the food, kill the Indian. I am too lazy to tell the stinkhole story. One year buffalo just didn't come back to the northern range. Here is a haunting painting.

by Judith Dragonette
RECENT NEWS: The bull, the living embodiment of this country's untamed spirit, was killed for walking onto the hobby ranch of the wealthy Povah family.  Mr. Povah had complained that the buffalo was "threatening my fence."  The Montana Department of Livestock (DOL) agent that shot him made no attempt to move the bull off the private property and onto the adjacent Gallatin National Forest. Buffalo Field Campaign West Yellowstone, penning, corrals, captivity, brucellosis etc.

circa 1870. source: Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library
Bison herds could delay a train for days.

Geronimo, Nanook, Thule society & cold Indian wars in 4 corners

Op Geronimo gets Osama bin Laden, Op Nanook is a-gittin' the Ruskies. After the Indian Wars (1886), there was grandfather Prescott Bush, Geronimo's skull and bones and the Yale secret society and, in 2009, a Geronimo v. Obama, 09-cv-303 law suit when his descendants sued for his remains, which actually could still be exhumed at Fort Sill. (Straight dope) And the leader of the Apache warrior's tribe is asking US President Barack Obama for a formal apology for the government's use of Geronimo as a code name.

Geronimo (June 16, 1829 – February 17, 1909), Chiricahua Apache.
This raises the question, what does a nineteenth century Apache leader have to do with twenty first century Saudi millionaire? source

To Nanook of the North: A Story Of Life and Love In the Actual Arctic. Documentary, 1922...

Operation Nanook (1946), United States Navy. From 22 July to 05 August 1946, all activities in Operation Nanook centered around Thule (Thula, Thila, or Thyïlea), a region in the far north.

The Thule Society also was a Nazi secret society, modeled on the Japanese Green Dragon Society by Hitler's "Merlin," Karl Haushofer.

History Channel, Part I.
A university professor fluent in Russian, French, English, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese, a man tied closely with Hitler and Hess, Haushofer stood as mentor, teacher, and sage, sculpting the zeal and fanaticism that would turn Germany into a totalitarian state, preaching of racial stratification, geographic unity, and the right of the Aryan people. A footnote in many books and not mentioned at all in many more, Haushofer's role in the Reich has gone greatly underappreciated. Making pacts, studying signets, and legitimizing hate, Haushofer was nothing less than a masterful conductor carefully hidden in the folds of the Nazi regime. source
Operation Nanook (1946), conducted by the United States Navy
Operation Nanook (2007), annual Arctic exercise by Canada's Maritime Command and Canada's Coast Guard
Operation Nanook (2008)
Operation Nanook (2009)
Operation Nanook (2010)
Op NANOOK 11, 1-31 August 2011.

Russia launches Arctic expedition and beefs up military presence with nuclear-powered submarine.
The research vessel Academik Fyodorov will conduct a sub-sea mapping exercise of the Lomonosov and Mendeleev ridges in Russia's second mission to determine the boundaries of Russia's Arctic continental shelf. source
It looks like Thule thyme. The USA has 737+ military bases with more growth planned (Guam) and Canada wants MORE now, too. Top 25 Censored Stories of 2011: 2. US Department of Defense is the Worst Polluter on the Planet. There are Big plans for the Arctic, militarization, more planes in Anchorage, getting ready for the big, big, big melt boom.