Thursday, August 25, 2011

salmon inquiry, 'events in Japan' & trout

The Cohen Commission (Commission of Inquiry into the Decline of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River) today heard from Kristi Miller, who's been under pressure it seems to say nothing public, like other scientists, about her study and federal government science... stuff. There appears to be a little funding problem.
A research program led by geneticist Kristi Miller which recently discovered a new virus that could be a factor in declining Fraser River sockeye has no funding to continue its work, the Cohen Commission heard Thursday. more (Vancouver Sun)
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency issued notification to media outlets that it was testing sockeye salmon for radiation levels in August and September 2011.
The federal government often refers to the reported meltdown of three nuclear reactors in Fukushima as "the events in Japan", rather than using more descriptive language. However, the words "nuclear crisis" appeared once in today's statement. more (Georgia Strait)

There was no spokesperson to take questions about the testing of 'this important commodity.'
In Yellowstone, between the lake and cutthroat trouts is a Judas team, 'a strike force in the biggest lake-trout-killing program in the nation.'

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