Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ai WeiWei, Franke James & political climates

“Who was the idiot who approved an art show by that woman, Franke James?”
Memorable words from one of Canada’s top officials on hearing that the Canadian Embassy in Croatia had offered support for Franke’s art show.

Ai WeiWei is a Chinese artist, who is now out of jail ("suspected economic crimes") and under house arrest, without his passport. He was offered a teaching position at Berlin University for the Arts, so even if he wants that assignment, at the moment he cannot leave the country.

Franke James is an artist, who had her funding for a trip to Croatia revoked by the Canadian government. Incidentally, the (drowning polar bear) guy is suspended and, who knows, maybe he is an hostage in a US debt ceiling agreement deal; Charles Monnett is under investigation about melting Arctic ice. Another taboo is the genomic analysis of sockeye salmon. Kristi Miller, a federal scientist, is not allowed to talk to anyone, as per the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans ("some even suggesting a government conspiracy to save itself some embarrassment should its trade practices prove to be spreading it") or, the geologist and the most controversial 13,000 year-old flood.
Franke James: The Canadian Government, led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party, is actively working to shut down my solo European art exhibition, which is set to tour 20 cities in Europe. The government’s interference includes phoning the corporate sponsor, and persuading them to cancel their $75,000 sponsorship.

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