Thursday, July 7, 2011

Geronimo, Nanook, Thule society & cold Indian wars in 4 corners

Op Geronimo gets Osama bin Laden, Op Nanook is a-gittin' the Ruskies. After the Indian Wars (1886), there was grandfather Prescott Bush, Geronimo's skull and bones and the Yale secret society and, in 2009, a Geronimo v. Obama, 09-cv-303 law suit when his descendants sued for his remains, which actually could still be exhumed at Fort Sill. (Straight dope) And the leader of the Apache warrior's tribe is asking US President Barack Obama for a formal apology for the government's use of Geronimo as a code name.

Geronimo (June 16, 1829 – February 17, 1909), Chiricahua Apache.
This raises the question, what does a nineteenth century Apache leader have to do with twenty first century Saudi millionaire? source

To Nanook of the North: A Story Of Life and Love In the Actual Arctic. Documentary, 1922...

Operation Nanook (1946), United States Navy. From 22 July to 05 August 1946, all activities in Operation Nanook centered around Thule (Thula, Thila, or Thyïlea), a region in the far north.

The Thule Society also was a Nazi secret society, modeled on the Japanese Green Dragon Society by Hitler's "Merlin," Karl Haushofer.

History Channel, Part I.
A university professor fluent in Russian, French, English, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese, a man tied closely with Hitler and Hess, Haushofer stood as mentor, teacher, and sage, sculpting the zeal and fanaticism that would turn Germany into a totalitarian state, preaching of racial stratification, geographic unity, and the right of the Aryan people. A footnote in many books and not mentioned at all in many more, Haushofer's role in the Reich has gone greatly underappreciated. Making pacts, studying signets, and legitimizing hate, Haushofer was nothing less than a masterful conductor carefully hidden in the folds of the Nazi regime. source
Operation Nanook (1946), conducted by the United States Navy
Operation Nanook (2007), annual Arctic exercise by Canada's Maritime Command and Canada's Coast Guard
Operation Nanook (2008)
Operation Nanook (2009)
Operation Nanook (2010)
Op NANOOK 11, 1-31 August 2011.

Russia launches Arctic expedition and beefs up military presence with nuclear-powered submarine.
The research vessel Academik Fyodorov will conduct a sub-sea mapping exercise of the Lomonosov and Mendeleev ridges in Russia's second mission to determine the boundaries of Russia's Arctic continental shelf. source
It looks like Thule thyme. The USA has 737+ military bases with more growth planned (Guam) and Canada wants MORE now, too. Top 25 Censored Stories of 2011: 2. US Department of Defense is the Worst Polluter on the Planet. There are Big plans for the Arctic, militarization, more planes in Anchorage, getting ready for the big, big, big melt boom.

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