Tuesday, July 12, 2011

an bordello & dark rooms

Hi marx for playdough's repubic!
... bacchanalia & calgariallachie, ayatollah cardigan's fatwa (Arabic: فتوى‎).
You say (nothing), I say: fledermaus.

"Ptarmigan egretsWikiLeaks assASSination re-mark," Dec 1, 2010

Nouriel 'Dr. Doom' Roubini: ‘Karl Marx Was Right’ (August 13, 2011)
Economist Nouriel "Dr. Doom" Roubini, the New York University professor who four years ago accurately predicted the global financial crisis, said one of economist Karl Marx's critiques of capitalism is playing itself out in the current global financial crisis. source: International Business Times

The poets were expelled must be exiled excluded from the ideal republic that will have has no sensorys or emotions. - playdough
See also: Christian Hellenism.

And, the Conservative party's Constituent Information Management System (CIMS) files are not governed by PIPEDA regulations.

What the Tories know about you (Mar. 31, 2009):
“Zoey” is a central city inhabitant who eats organic food and is of no interest to them; ditto with “Marcus and Fiona,” a high-income urban couple with no children and professional jobs. But “Dougie” is a favourite, a tradesman in his 20s from a small town. And so is “Eunice,” 70, a widow, and “Steve [who owns his own business] and Heather” in their 40s with three children living in the suburbs.

The Conservatives have enlisted neighbourhood leaders – sports team coaches, community activists – to report information on voters to the party's data collectors and introduce potential supporters to party campaigners, a technique known by its acronym of FRAN: Friends, Relatives, Acquaintances and Neighbours. source

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