Thursday, October 20, 2011

like banking regs, conservatives ♥ black-footed ferrets

Press Release
Government of Canada Marks Third Release of black-footed Ferrets in Grasslands National Park
Endangered Species Bringing Canadians Together
Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan, October 19, 2011– On the occasion of the third release of black-footed ferrets onto the Canadian prairies in Grasslands National Park, the Honourable Peter Kent, Canada's Environment Minister and Minister responsible for Parks Canada, today acknowledged the continued success of this species at risk program.

Grasslands National Park is gaining 15 black-footed ferrets
Wednesday as Parks Canada sends the group into the wild. source

Disingenuous: Stephen Harper has always supported bank deregulation and here and...

USA: Black-footed Ferret: The Comeback Kid Celebrates 30 Years of Rediscovery
Grasslands National Park: Grasslands National Park designated The Darkest Dark Sky Preserve, Oct '09

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