Wednesday, October 5, 2011

rhinos, desmond tutu 2/2, china & a no tibetan b-day party guest

China put some pressure on the South African government of Jacob Zuma. Desmond Tutu invited His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama to his 80th birthday party.The Dalai Lama had to cancel, no entry visa. Desmond Tutu about it: video.
Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe tried to tamp down the dispute, telling The Star newspaper that South Africa was ready to grant the Dalai Lama a visa when the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader decided to cancel the trip. source
Also, recently, South African 'Groenewald Gang' expected in court tomorrow (Sept 29, 2011) from Rhino Horn is Not Medicine and more about illegal trade:

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