Sunday, October 2, 2011

spelunking of immolation: 2railroads & china

Canadians helped China with theirs (Qinghai–Xizang railway, Bombardier, China-Tibet) by providing special cars. Chinese-Tibetan folk singer Han Hong has a song called Tianlu, Road to Heaven; 天路, praising the railway.

China-Tibet railway
And the Chinese built ours (not allowed in picture).

The last spike, Craigallachie (Nov 7, 1885)
Chinese Head Tax and Exclusion Act
See: More protest against harsh Chinese rule.

Wiki:  From 1959 to 1964, Tibetan guerrillas were secretly trained at Camp Hale by the CIA. The Tibetan project was codenamed ST Circus, and it was similar to the CIA operation that trained dissident Cubans in what later became the Bay of Pigs Invasion.

At the time of the sexytime Bob Dechert emails with a Xinhua reporter, the federal government's primary announcement of the day, and anouncements they are, no questions please, was Aglukkaq's appeal for Somalia.

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