Monday, September 26, 2011

speculation: rat3pack to$ monetize$ wolfhunt

Gary, and whats-his-name (covert, deleted emails or he's not here), and former energy minister Rick got it in with the hunting crowd and lodges and high end US trophy game hunters. And we all know the thousand plus wolves gotta go, for the woodland caribou recovery, says federal environment person, or no says another.

"Canada’s Minister of Environment Peter Kent supports a plan that would shoot or poison wolves that have been preying on caribou." Or was that paradis industry, can never remember, which is switch.

What's that worth, a heli hunt per wolf? Co-inkadinkly, and must be nice bizniz as usual fer flyboyz, "What is it, and why does vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin support the practice?"

Haha! Reminds me of the funny Armstrong ranch story, 2006, and the hunt: Dick Cheney shoots Harry Whittington, mistakes a campaign contributor for a quail.

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