Thursday, September 29, 2011

gud year 4bearies

Alberta oil camp invaded by bears:

Update1: Bears shot after invading camp.

Update2: 4 bears killed at oil camp: "Workers at a northern Alberta oil site are outraged after a wildlife officer shot and killed a mother black bear and her three cubs for entering their camp's living area. They claim camp managers are negligent for allowing garbage and food to be stored outside and refusing to build a fence around the compound." Daily Herald-Tribune, Grande Prairie

Youtube: Aramark camp bear shootings, Aramark camp bear shootings pt2

A mom and her 3 cubs were destroyed at an Aramark camp just outside Conklin, Alberta. The camp does not have a fence around the camp and didn't store their garbage properly. The camp workers let the bears come and go and didn't notify the wildlife people about the problem until it was too late! This is wrong and this "American Company" should pay for what is happening out here. These poor bears did not deserve this at all!

Note: Suncor shareholders own 60 per cent of the merged company. (Petro-Canada)

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