Friday, September 30, 2011

of oil camps, mice, gestapo

BONS MOTS: Words with the pictures describe slimy food, stinky bathrooms and staff that look the other way. ("Oilfied company defends firing over blog," Oct 11, 2010):
Electrician Mike Thomas said he was canned Thursday by his contractor on Suncor Energy's orders.
And, another camp attendant says,
Shots she took of a non-Suncor camp show dead mice laying on the floor and a bath mat's worth of hair scooped out of a shower stall. "It's not just Suncor that's like this. It's absolutely everywhere. Ninety per cent of camps I go to are absolutely disgusting," she said.
The Universe According To Mike, here.


ADHDCanuck said...

thanks for the support! This story has continued to generate hundreds of readers a day on these articles even a year later.

The response from the public is mixed because they dont understand what happened and believe the company lies.. but the conditions are deplorable.. and have since been forced to improve slightly out of fear of exposure.

Keep it up I say!

Thanks :)

local949 said...

ADHD - your website has great information about working up north, what to expect, how to prepare. You're welcome! :)