Saturday, February 4, 2012

stupid pandas{5yrs}, p-bear, toronto {hogtown}, jasmine junkets

A new little orphanish polar bear at the Toronto Zoey: "The three-month-old cub is the only survivor from a litter of three that was rejected by their mother at birth." pizzaville source

Junket: "Hogtown has been thrown into a state of panda-monium since a report surfaced that Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s trip to China next week would include an announcement that a pair of pandas would be coming to Toronto." when the tigers leave source

More stories: 7 big topics for Harper's China trip (including pandas), How panda diplomacy became bear-knuckle haggling, China's panda loan could signal cuddly new relations Pandas, pipelines top PM's China trip

Mo Li Hua (Jasmine Flowers):
the symbol of Chinese Music
On censorship, pruning jasmine:  "Chang started to tell CNN from New York, but then the gym’s TV screen went black. CNN switched back on 30 seconds later and a Hong Kong-based anchor bid Chang thanks and farewell, leaving at least one jogger in the U.S. hotel joint venture with China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs wondering what had been said."  mr sloth source, costa rica

More stories: Revolution' Coverage Censored in China, Jasmine Becomes Contraband in China, AFP: China web users call for 'Jasmine Revolution', After Jasmine Revolution Video, U.S. Envoy to China Hunstman's ..., Why J-A-S-M-I-N-E is censored ? - China Watch, China Censorship Watch - Filed under 'Jasmine, China detains, censors bloggers on 'Jasmine Revolution

Nyage Sonamdrugyu (Sopa)
Itinerary: "Harper is expected to hit at least three cities during his nearly week-long trade mission to China — his second official visit as prime minister — including the capital of Beijing, southern trade port of Guangzhou (near Hong Kong) and the southwestern hub of Chongqing." netflix source

Tibet: "His case is a special one because he was considered a bodhisattva, a "living Buddha": monks considered revivals of great masters of the past." cathay pacific source

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