Saturday, February 18, 2012

open letter to vic toews

hey, sorry to read about your messy divorce. that must have been a surprise (the baby). sh*t happ--. during the last election, or was it one of the ones before it, i don't recall, after the 4th election in 7 years, there were all kinds of things floating about ignatieff's first marriage and kids, paul martin's alleged mistress, even learned about DND computers antagonizing critics of an untendered F-35 jet purchase and the 'puters' working its Wikipedia article.
cartoon: source
"either stand with us or with the child pornographers"

now, child pornographers lol, which is almost ironic, but i'm not exactly sure of the unfortunate nanny's age or whether the gay bathhouse story is true. not to mention the resurrection of Jack Layton's decades-old massage and i thought on a dying man yet. besides, you haven't even read the whole bill! [Bill C-30, Section 487.0195: warrantless searches, any police officer] that you tabled. i hope you lose your job, mister family values.

minister of public safety. weird eh?

Dear @ToewsVic, there's a cut in my brake lines :( Any idea how it happened? #TellVicEverything

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