Saturday, February 11, 2012

jasper: wat-cha-ching! glacier melt

It was controversial. No matter. The private observation deck in a public national park was approved by the federal government. It's being built. The Icefields TangleMeltWay Ridge Viewpoint Centre Parkway will be staffed by Brewster's, not Parks Canada.

Artist rendering of a proposed Glacier Discovery Walk at
Tangle Ridge Viewpoint on the Icefields Parkway.
Photograph by:
Handout photo, Brewster Travel

The facility will be knocked into the cliff with explosives, and a 42 year lease, disappointing lichen and bighorn sheep. Brewster Travel Canada  is now owned by VIAD of Arizona ("The Business Behind Leading Businesses"). Admission to this GDW skywalker is expected to be $15-$30 per person.

Peter Kent joked about the high-volume form letter complaints (180,000 signatures + 1000s of letters & postcards)( "petition"), as if people have time to write these ministers of industry borg personal fucking letters, every week.

More info here.

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