Sunday, January 29, 2012

green elephant: republicans for environmental protection (rep)

This is an interesting interview: David Jenkins from REP talks about the Texas drought (yet, floods the other day, 'Texas floods force drivers to abandon cars, flee for their lives'), climate change, Al Gore, conservation and environmental protection, Jon Huntsman's withdrawal from the Republican race and more.


(3:10) 'agricultural sector lost over $5.3 billion in 2011...'
 'in april 2011, governor rick perry called for a statewide weekend of prayer for rain... what texas got was a summer of record-breaking heat, virtually no rain - and wildfires.'
'4 million acres burned, 1600 homes, half billion trees died of thirst'

(9:00) 'i lay a lot of this at the feet of right wing talk radio, the people like rush limbaugh and those folks. Also some of the big industries, the coal industry, who has a vested interest in trying to prevent curbs on greenhouse gas pollution.'

'the party is being lead around the nose by a relatively small group of people'

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