Saturday, March 31, 2012

{senator} mike duffy, ctv, a spy, stéphane dion and awards

Interesting! --- "But what most people may not know, considering that the media buried the story, is that both Steve Murphy and Mike Duffy were charged with ethics violations, as a result of their complicity in influencing the results of an election. [The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC) today released two decisions concerning the broadcast of three false starts of an interview by CTV anchor Steve Murphy with Liberal leader Stéphane Dion during the October 2008 federal election campaign. Each restart had been requested by Mr. Dion and granted by Mr. Murphy, CJCH-TV (CTV Atlantic)’s news anchor.]

March 15, 2007. Missasauga, Ontario. James Murray, Conservative Resource Group. Senior Researcher, House of Uncommons "employee". Tax dollars at work.

Idle Canadian Awards, 2008. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada
- for playing politics with Canadians: for breaking his own election law to call an election that wasn’t necessary (at a cost of $300 million) to try to get his majority; for continuing to bully his opponents, especially Stéphane Dion who was targeted by an unfair advertising campaign; saying one thing at an international conference (we will stimulate the economy), then doing the opposite (we will cut); trying to cut off most of the funding to the Opposition political parties for partisan gain; failing to face Parliament and running to the Governor-General to prorogue. more award winners here

"According to Dr. Joan Russow of the Global Compliance Research Project:
There should never have been an election in Canada. The Governor General should have refused to accept the Right Honourable Steven Harper’s request for an election when there was an outstanding investigation into the fraudulent practices of the Conservative Party during the 2006 election. The investigation was underway by the Parliamentary Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics. With the calling of the election, the Committee was disbanded. In addition, there was a similar investigation by Elections Canada...
"One thing that the 1999 re-election campaign of Mike Harris, and the 2008 re-election campaign of Stephen Harper had in common, was Guy Giorno."


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