Monday, April 2, 2012

federal budget 1812

It's an Industrial Revolution ! As long as miners, investors and stock market 'thought leaders' ccce's like it, yep, the main event, git 'er done. Wealth will trickle flake down like gold in Jason Kenney's ass trump's plane.
Like effluent in tailings ponds, asbestos fibers in workers' lungs and happy uraniums for ... everybody! Nature Canada, press release: ... is particularly concerned about plans to amend the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations that expands a loophole in the Fisheries Act. Now, diamond and coal mining companies will join metal mining companies in being allowed to dump toxic waste into Canada’s living lakes.

(... few questions about MP pension plans, corporate lobbying, AECL/ SNC-Lavalin, CPP executive bonuses, F-35s.) Enough about metals, minerals, oil, gas, $13.5m for pipelines and $35.7m for tankers. It'll be fun setting up a full-fledged laboratory, somewhere, maybe the kitchen or beside the sofa, to test food product labels myself in my spare time - and when I let a company know about the results from my lab, it will can give itself a fine for possible misleading advertising or ... dangerous ingredients. hey... And why not test for GMOs too: I'll buy a book !

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