Saturday, March 10, 2012

ewe, gary mar ... we're not in asia anymore.

Would that it would have been the ad hoc party membership sales for his provincial leadership campaign.
PCAA leadership candidate Gary Mar said his campaign volunteers did nothing wrong by selling party memberships within 50 metres of an Edmonton polling station. Adding that his supporters were only trying to help people who can't speak English. "Within the polling station, the advance polling station, you could buy a membership from the party," Mar said. "Except that there's no one at the party table that speaks three different dialects of Chinese."
Selling memberships within 50 meters of a polling location is against PCAA rules. Or, the $478,000 MLA transition allowance and $400,000 no-receipt verbal advice. Or whether he received a pay-out when he left his Washington job. No, Gary Mar is on unpaid leave pending an ethics probe, something having to do with a fundraiser at the Calgary Petroleum Club. His leadership run cost $2.7 million and he's in debt.

He's ba-a-a-a-ck.

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