Wednesday, December 3, 2014

thou dost in us command

Restore the inclusive language of Canada's nathional anthem. Lyrics changed in 1913.

a. original - "thou dost in us command"
b. current - "in all thy sons command"
c. proposed modified original - "in all of us command"

I like #a. And never mind Diane Francis or an order of the golden fleece man, Archduke Karl Thomas Robert Maria Franziskus Georg Bahnam Habsburg-Lothringen, whose uncle Franz Ferdinand and aunt Sophie were assassinated in Sarajevo by black hand secret society and who says nationalism's not relevant well, as transnationalists, they wouldn't care.

wiki: referred to in Austria as Karl Habsburg-Lothringen, in France as Charles de Habsbourg-Lorraine, in the Czech Republic as Karel Habsbursko-Lotrinský, in Hungary as Habsburg Károly, and by his royal name as Archduke Karl of Austria

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

best of 2014

Super economic growth! Italy meeting deficit targets! New statistical rules, European System of Accounts (ESA 2010). Drugs, prostitution and smuggling, all untaxed and extant prior, will be part of Italy's, the UK's and Spain's GDP as of 2014. Italy can now comply with EU regulations for rates of national debt. On paper, Britain is practically booming. Spain's GDP will grow by up to 4.5%.

Friday, November 28, 2014

The Mechanics Of Electoral Fraud In Canada

2 thumbs up! Micro-targeting from Bush-McCain 2000 to Canada. The initiative for the bingo card scheme actually came from a meeting of the minds between the Conservative Party of Canada and the Bloc, a party whose avowed purpose is to break up Canada. 

Elections Canada: 1. Underfunded, 2. Denied Adequate Enforcement Resources, 3. Denied Legislative Powers To Prosecute Electoral Fraud In A Timely Manner. Bill C-31: An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act and the Public Service Employment Act.

In other news, Pierre Karl Péladeau wants to be PQ leader.

The externalization of the unique stable voter identifier number and the use of the Elections Canada bingo card constitute the 2 elements that enabled the robocall voter suppression scandal. - statement of Will Arlow to the Election Canada Advisory Committee of Political Parties (ACPP)

Monday, June 23, 2014

chow chow

Maybe this isn't so odd. (China zoo under fire for disguising dog as lion)

Foo Dog/ a barking African lion
Foo Dog/'lion'
If 'guardian lions' are chow chows... that accompanied Mongolian armies... ('Teddy bear'/Teddy Roosevelt bear was modelled on Queen Victoria's chow chow puppy). Chinese emperors in the Tang dynasty kept 50,000 chows for hunting.
Luxury dog ‘with lion’s blood’ sold for $2 million in China (link)

Wikipedia: Chow chow (1915)
In China, lions and dragons are mythological. Chows are likely a Tibetan mastiff/Samoyed cross.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

children of the snowland (lolo)

Lolo was arrested on April 19, 2012. Gebe was detained as he was leaving the musical concert on Saturday, June 24, 2014 ("after belting out a song calling for language protection") - singing before his arrest.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

surface subways

Alrighty. John Tory, if elected mayor, will create a subway line that doesn’t go underground.

Toronto has 44 councillors. Los Angeles has 15 councillors; Paris, 162. The 2014 Toronto Mayoral Election takes place on October 27, 2014.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

BC Rail

I don't know how much ("taxpayers"/public) R&D money was invested in BC Rail (PGE-BCR), since February 27th, 1912, but in 2004 Premier Gordon Campbell's Liberal Socred-Con government broke its election pledge not to sell it.
It was owned by the public as a crown corporation from 1918 until 2004. In September 2011, Gordon Campbell became Canada's High Commissioner to the United Kingdom. A terrible mistake, 2003.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

rofo's fun family days video

Rob Ford briskly walks into City Hall along with the whole scrum.
A reporter: Why don't you respect the taxpayers who elected you and answer some questions?
Rob Ford [silent]
Security: 'kay guys.
A reporter: What are you afraid of?
A reporter: Don't you owe people an explanation?
Rob Ford [silent]
A reporter: Why do you get so -
Security: Let's go, let's go.
Rob Ford: You know what...
Reporter: Why do you keep your itinerary secret?
Rob Ford [laughs]
Security [laughs]

A reporter: Why should people trust you ever again, Mr Mayor?
Rob Ford: Thank you, thank you.
Security: 'kay guys. Let's go, let's go. C'mon.
A reporter: Why should anyone trust Rob Ford?
Rob Ford: Don't worry, no no no no no.
A reporter: Did you ask Lisi to get the video back, yes or no?
A reporter: Did you ask Mr Lisi to get the crack video?
Security: Stop the yelling, guys.

Topnotch crack quarterback responds to Family Day
Lent weekend (Feb 17, 2013) video Q's. 
... run mofo run (or here, or here, or here).

Saturday, March 15, 2014

panda app

Yumyum, eat Panda. I heart panda (China Daily).

panda, oops, black bear steak
Grilled bear steak.
Regarding carrion and fish, the meat won't taste as good as it does when a bear eats berries or grass.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Miss Paul Ryan-Speaking

Transcript: What they're offering people is a full stomach and an empty soul. The American people want more than that. You know, this reminds me of a story I heard from Eloise Anderson. She serves in the cabinet of my buddy, Governor Scott Walker. [crowd cheers, Paul Ryan blinks]
paul ryan
cont. She once met a young boy from a very poor family and every day at school he would get a free lunch from a government program. He told Eloise he didn't want a free lunch. He wanted his own lunch, one in a brown paper bag just like the other kids. He wanted one, he said, because he knew a kid with a brown paper bag had someone who cared for him. This is what the left does not understand.

A spokesman for Eloise Anderson now says she "misspoke."

sona, bigbird, namebadge

And who is this witness?
Big Bird, Pierre Poutine name badge &Sona
I smell a diesel bus.


Among other Conservative desecrations "modernizations," 50 volumes by the H.M.S. Challenger expedition go into a landfill.

HMS Challenger
4-year journey, embarked Dec 21, 1872

"Physicists, chemists, and biologists collaborated with expert navigators to map the sea." From The Voyage of the Challenger

Thursday, February 20, 2014

last year, late friday

Aboriginal Affairs Minister, John Duncan (C-Vancouver Island North), resigned from cabinet last year, late on Friday, political interference. In July 2013 (cabinet shuffle), he replaced Gordon O'Connor as party whip.

Bernard Valcourt (C-Madawaska-Restigouche) was appointed Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada. See: oil & gas, Crown land and reindeer/caribou grazing.

To prevent road deaths, reindeer in Finland get fluorescent antlers.
Whoa, Finnish Reindeer Herder’s Association. link

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

测试 google

At least that's fixed. Now my browser is crashing, lol

on the dime

Jim Flaherty said he was not aware of friend's tax haven dealings. Oopsie, $3 million worth of gold was sold off as slag — at a fraction of its worth. {to whom?}
The Jims, Flaherty and Love, Chairman of Royal Canadian Mint
Anyway. Following his budget speech last March, Flaherty railed against “people hiding their money offshore and avoiding Canadian taxes.” link

In other news, wow Julian Fantino has four pensions: in addition to getting a cabinet minister’s salary, benefit and pension package, Fantino is pulling in pensions from the Toronto police, the London police and the OPP.

Closure of veterans' offices, Lump Sum Disability Award and veteran suicides.

Monday, February 10, 2014

a licence to plate

Provincial neo-liberals, conservatives The Conservative Family can 'brand' (vb.) new provincial parties with names that just use public symbols, emblems or anthem bites like StrongFree word... thingies. It's ubiquitous, cost-effective advertising.
  1. Socred Len Skowronski says
    Beautiful BC Party 
  2. Wildrose Party
  3. Living Skies Party
  4. Friendly Party
  5. Yours To Discover Party
  6. Je me souviens Party
  7. Ocean Playground Party
  8. Birthplace of Confederation Party
  9. Be in this place Party
  10. Cabot Party
  11. Klondike Party
  12. Spectacular Party
  13. Polar Bear Party
A province's name is also operative, e.g., Saskatchewan Party.

MP Leona Aglukkaq's Christmas message

Thursday, January 30, 2014

stand your ground

Guns, beer, romance, beer, family,
farm, whiskey, marriage and babies
George Canyon wants to be a Member of Parliament for the new federal riding of Bow River, southern Alberta. His campaign song: Stand Your Ground. So it's Florida or RCMP gun confiscation all over again. The canyon (b. Fred Lays) is from Nova Scotia.

In other news, the godfather is suing darth vader for $6 million. The federal government last year pledged $2.8 billion for flood relief, suppose some of it will be a transfer to the Defence Dept. for CF disaster relief costs.

"Supporting provincial and municipal governments during natural disasters in Canada has long been considered one of military’s most important missions." Not any more, suckas!

CBC's Kady O'Malley's funny pics!
Conservative Party policy convention,
November 2013

year of the horse cull

Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development to heritage ponies: Fuck you!

Alberta permits the capture of 200 wild horses for slaughter.
Happy New Year!

Wild West Bon Appétit link

Hy's and Loews

Caesars are expensive at Hy's Steak House in Ottawa.

Jim Flaherty hotel bills