Wednesday, March 19, 2014

rofo's fun family days video

Rob Ford briskly walks into City Hall along with the whole scrum.
A reporter: Why don't you respect the taxpayers who elected you and answer some questions?
Rob Ford [silent]
Security: 'kay guys.
A reporter: What are you afraid of?
A reporter: Don't you owe people an explanation?
Rob Ford [silent]
A reporter: Why do you get so -
Security: Let's go, let's go.
Rob Ford: You know what...
Reporter: Why do you keep your itinerary secret?
Rob Ford [laughs]
Security [laughs]

A reporter: Why should people trust you ever again, Mr Mayor?
Rob Ford: Thank you, thank you.
Security: 'kay guys. Let's go, let's go. C'mon.
A reporter: Why should anyone trust Rob Ford?
Rob Ford: Don't worry, no no no no no.
A reporter: Did you ask Lisi to get the video back, yes or no?
A reporter: Did you ask Mr Lisi to get the crack video?
Security: Stop the yelling, guys.

Topnotch crack quarterback responds to Family Day
Lent weekend (Feb 17, 2013) video Q's. 
... run mofo run (or here, or here, or here).

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