Saturday, May 5, 2012

the pretend arsonist and wildfires

Not wanting to appear as though the whole of northern Alberta could go up in flames -- including the oil fields, oilsands, gas wells, and any small town or city, hectare after hectare -- the Alberta government fabricates an arsonist: On Tuesday, the province said the fire was deliberately set and that investigators have pinpointed the ignition site and cause – though they wouldn’t reveal either. ($700m Slave Lake fire, Nov 1, 2011)

'I watched the whole town burn (May 16, 2011)
It wasn't out-of-control, really. It's better this way. There was no raging forest fire that overtook the city. No siree. It isn't a PR ('arsonist') stunt. It's just a little .... ditty ... to protect investments and ... and .... and .... reputation in the dry, dry pine beetle or peatless woods and a changing volatile climate.

Nothing got so hot, so fast, it blew up first. The Texas terminals are fine too. (See: A Look Back at the 2011 Texas Wildfires)

Be part of the non-renewable energy.

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