Thursday, May 24, 2012

on creeping canadians & databases

If a constituent writes his or her Member of Parliament, including address and phone number, with their concerns or questions, the information is entered into the Party's database? It produces profiles or ratings of individual constituents?

Garth Turner said that after door-knocking episodes (canvassing), it was back to the database, write everything. Jason Kenney: "They should be apologized."

Hat tip to Saskboy.

LIB: ManageElect08/Liberalist. CON: CIMS (Is sharing with municipalities or provincial parties bad?) "CIMS grew out of the Ontario PC party’s Trackright database." NDP: NDP Vote.

so i say hey hey hey what's going on

Every Thing We Do Promotes Savings.™ --- (luntz 101)
E.g. Kent: Blame media {for new furniture and storage costs}

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