Thursday, December 28, 2017

phoenix boondoggle

Rona Ambrose resigned in July as MP for Sturgeon River-Parkland. She was replaced (a) in an October 23 byelection by a 26 year-old Proud Boy, Dane Lloyd, and (b) as leader of the Conservative Party of Canada by a guy with dimples.

"In charge were then-public works minister Rona Ambrose (now interim Conservative leader) and Tony Clement, former president of the treasury board. Neither has expressed any remorse for the fiasco. The Conservatives eliminated 700 payroll jobs in dozens of departments, mainly in Ottawa, and created..."  -The Globe and Mail, 26 Feb 2017 

Rona Ambrose and her boyfriend had many Stornoway expenses for a temp job. Stornoway shouldn't be a residence for interim leaders. Then yachting with billionaire Murray Edwards from Jan 3-14 (and writing ethics commissioner about it on Jan 12), while freaking out about Justin Trudeau's vacation. 

Murray Edwards moved to London in 2016. His business interests include the Calgary Flames, Canadian Natural Resources Ltd., Magellan Aerospace Corp., Imperial Metals Corp., and Resorts of the Canadian Rockies.

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