Thursday, December 28, 2017

squirrel in rafters!

MP for Simcoe-Grey spies a squirrel?
What in the motherfuck of a terrible video is going on. Theories about the slow ponderous wandering gaze, awkward pauses and stupid sighs include:

Kellie Leitch is drunk, or an alien, or in a bizarre fever dream."Full of strange pauses and odd angles."

Leitch's campaign manager, Nick Kouvalis, resigned in Feb 2017 before the video's March release, some sort of controversy about cuck or rehab. He also was "the former senior political strategist for the late Toronto mayor Rob Ford and for the current Toronto Mayor John Tory" (CBC, 2 Feb 2017), as well as Christy Clark in B.C. (Toronto Star, 3 Feb 2017). He plead guilty to drunk driving in May 2016.

Mr Kouvalis and Sarah Warry-Poljansk, some sort of PC nominee, were charged with B&E in Burlington, Ont. Their lawyers have a meeting with the Crown at 2pm, 14 Feb 2018 at the Milton court house. (See update, Mar 2.)

UPDATE #2: MP for Simcoe-Grey, Kellie Leitch, announced in late Jan 2018 she will not seek re-election in 2019. In Feb 2018, Elections Canada records showed Rebel Media both 1) covered Leitch's leadership campaign in some sort of capacity as a news agency and 2) received payment for social media services in the amount of $56,500.
Two days before Leitch cut Rebel Media two cheques worth $22,600 in February 2017, Leitch was featured in an exclusive “one-on-one” with Rebel Media “BC Bureau Chief” Christopher Wilson.
And more: 
Kouvalis’ Campaign Research and Campaign Support received $351,345 between July 2016 and August 2017 from the Leitch campaign, alone amounting to one-quarter of Leitch’s entire $1.3 million worth of campaign expenses.
Kouvalis’ companies also earned over $200,000 following his resignation as Leitch's campaign manager. Donors to the leadership campaign include some sort of Canadian CEOs.

phoenix boondoggle

Rona Ambrose resigned in July as MP for Sturgeon River-Parkland. She was replaced (a) in an October 23 byelection by a 26 year-old Proud Boy, Dane Lloyd, and (b) as leader of the Conservative Party of Canada by a guy with dimples.

"In charge were then-public works minister Rona Ambrose (now interim Conservative leader) and Tony Clement, former president of the treasury board. Neither has expressed any remorse for the fiasco. The Conservatives eliminated 700 payroll jobs in dozens of departments, mainly in Ottawa, and created..."  -The Globe and Mail, 26 Feb 2017 

Rona Ambrose and her boyfriend had many Stornoway expenses for a temp job. Stornoway shouldn't be a residence for interim leaders. Then yachting with billionaire Murray Edwards from Jan 3-14 (and writing ethics commissioner about it on Jan 12), while freaking out about Justin Trudeau's vacation. 

Murray Edwards moved to London in 2016. His business interests include the Calgary Flames, Canadian Natural Resources Ltd., Magellan Aerospace Corp., Imperial Metals Corp., and Resorts of the Canadian Rockies.

best of 2017



In January, Sheila Gunn Reid's camera (?) was 'punched in the face'. She did not, as far as I  know, issue a clarification, unless that happened in court. 'You just hit me in the face.'

June: It did not happen in court. TskTsk, bearing false witness. Five million protesters worldwide at a Saturday Jan. 21 Women's March and there's was one incident and it happened to be an Alberta provocateur, her 'bodyguard,' a shady fake news outlet, one luthier, then a network of neoWeimar retweeters. Bounty hunting and death threats ensued.

The link on that tweet goes here: The account itself @STOPSYTGENOCIDE was gone shortly thereafter (neo-Nazi Paul Craig Cobb? Location, North Dakota). The account was harassing one @stonekettle.

It would appear that de-escalation efforts are what happened, when organizers ushered Mr Bews away and no face was punched. The spouse of Canada's former PM, Laureen Harper, didn't see it that way and lobbed a big cocktail into SGR's molotov mob fire.

Neo-nazi Richard Spencer however did get punched in the face the day before the Women's March. Journalist Ben Jacobs also got punched in the face by a Republican candidate while reporting on the Montana congressional election in May.


Gallery Furniture stores became shelters for Texas flood evacuees and Guardsmen in August.

Texas National Guard troops rest between
shifts of rescuing people in flood