Protest placards in the UK re austerity measures
Public Forests: 30p each
Libraries: £21 each
Bank bailout: £31,250 each
Bank Bailout cost: £1 Trillion
Vodafone's unpaid tax bill: £6 Billion
Cuts to welfare: £7 Billion
UK Uncut, the new protest group against austerity measures in the UK |
"We spent billions bailing out RBS, yet now the government are cutting our services," said Rosa Brown, 42, from
UK Uncut. "They are letting RBS get away with the mistakes they caused and rewarding themselves with massive bonuses but punishing us."...
US Uncut groups have sprung up from New York to Hawaii in the last three weeks and activists will demonstrate against government cuts and corporate
tax avoidance in more than 50 cities on Saturday.
"UK Uncut inspires US groups to attack cuts and tax avoidance," Friday 25 February 2011,
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