Tuesday, March 24, 2015

mr biggs

Nice work if you can get it, misters national securities, FBI, RCMP, Mr Biggs. 1) I wonder whose idea it was to blow the fuck up a via train. 2) I wonder whose idea it was to blow up BC's legislative assembly, find some fucking idiot drug addicts to do it, Mr FBI Biggs.

Argument: There wouldn't actually be these terroribles if it weren't for Mr Biggs, sekyurity-partnerin high-rollin cash-throwin safe-house safe-mansion anonin moneybaggin dupin terror-makin and tax-dollars-workin mind-theatrin no chaos, supplyin.

Entrapment, nice work if you can get it. Business is booming. I'd reckon it's the same fucking guy. And the Cleveland occupy encampment bridge bombers. And the eco-terrorist, recently released (“Anna” was a pink-haired 17-year-old who the FBI recruited).

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