Wednesday, December 30, 2015

best of 2015

Top Ten 2015 bonus +4

14. Another tailings dam bursts. (San Marco, Brazil)
13. Referendumb!
12. David Letterman retires.
11. Chickenfuckers are chickenfuckers.
10. Another chancellor, another douchenozzle. (UNBC)
9. Oil prices.
8. Gas pump prices.
7. Errant DOD radar blimp takes out power lines. (Raytheon: $2.7 billion dollar project)
6. Off-label ingredients in hot dogs include human DNA.
5. Federal Conservative candidates avoid public debates.
4. Then again, there is sense in that. (E.g., Peegate)
3. Earthquake swarms in Alberta.
2. Canada's Finance Minister Joe Oliver delays 2015 federal budget (see #9) and sort of um, hides.

1. Volkswagon. Das Fraud. Das Daddy's Diesel.
11 million cars, the cover-up was wider than previously ... | Silicon Valley. diesel Volkswagens, diesel Audis, diesel Jettas... | Noxious admissions...

Friday, June 12, 2015

mackay's very awesome airlift

In early 2013, the Canadian Forces (CF) starting charging municipalities and provinces for help in 'emergencies such as floods and wildfires, according to internal Defence Department documents.'

Red River in Manitoba - troops

Alida, in southeast Saskatchewan - troops

southern Alberta - troops
MacKay’s briefing note says that while the Canadian Forces mandate is to defend Canada and help exercise its sovereignty, assistance in the case of an emergency “should be viewed as a ‘force of last resort,’ to be requested only when all other civilian options and assets have been exhausted.” source

Except for fishing trips. In other news, January 2012, 14-year-old Burton Winters walked 19 kilometres before he froze to death in Newfoundland. It was a search start delay of 36 hours and a full night.

Friday, April 17, 2015


My favorite: simile and smilie

santa claus

The New Ancient of Days [or] The Man of the Cave of Engihoul
Herman Melville (1819-1891)

The man of bone confirms his throne
In cave where fossils be
Outdating every mummy known,
Not older Cuvier's mastadon,
Nor older much the sea;
Old as the Glacial Period, he;
and claims he calls to mind the day
When Thule's king, by reindeer drawn,
His sleigh-bells jingling in icy morn,
Slid clean from the Pole to Wetterhorn
Over frozen waters in May!


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Bosphorus serial murders

2000-2007. The thing about the Bosphorus serial (Döner) murders was that police just considered that Turks killed Turks:

"failure to explore a racist motive and the initial suspicions about the victims' relatives and friends"

link and link and link

and damning the evidence, a proper investigation, witness testimony and or any hints of police members in the National Socialist Underground (NSU) (German: Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund).

In other news, Neo-Nazis Take Wrong Train, Miss Own Rally. Members of the National Democratic Party (NDP) took a Mannheim train in the opposite direction of Freiburg. (Feb 1 2015)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

scarborough man

They were pals. Accused killer Col. Russell Williams and notorious serial killer Paul Bernardo, both attended the University of Toronto Scarborough campus. They both studied economics at the Military Trail campus in the mid-80s. They both graduated together in 1987, Williams, 46, with a politics and economics degree, Bernardo, 45, with a commerce and economics degree. Their families both lived along the Scarborough bluffs. Now police sources say the two were college “pals” who may have partied together and that their relationship is the subject of intensive scrutiny by the joint forces team probing the murders of Cpl. MarieFrance Comeau and Jessica Lloyd. source

wikipedia: On July 15, 2009, Williams was sworn in as the Wing Commander at Canadian Forces Base Trenton by the outgoing Wing Commander Brigadier General Mike Hood. [30] ... He had flown Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh, the Governor General of Canada, the Prime Minister of Canada, and many other dignitaries across Canada and overseas in Canadian Forces VIP aircraft.

Bernardo, Homolka (Leanne Bordelais, Karla Leanne Teale), Williams, Magnotta were from Metroplitan Toronto/GTA, Scarborough.

Montreal Gazette (Jan 15, 2015): documentary airs

eric newman, eric clinton kirk newman, luka rocco magnotta (2006), [Renee Bordelais, Hubert Chrétien, Logan Valentini, John Kilbride (Moors murders), Kirk Trammel, Sharon, Catherine] 

shrinks: Thick file (Dec 9, 2014) from late nineties includes a schizophrenia diagnosis: "As a condition for release to Canada, German officials demanded a psychiatrist accompany Luka Magnotta on the June 2012 flight. Dr. Joel Watts, after receiving a request from the Montreal police, took on that role... Watts was but one in a long line of doctors who treated or assessed Magnotta — though he was the only one to meet with the killer in both capacities.... The defence also hired Dr. Marie-Frédérique Allard to assess the defendant’s responsibility in the killing. While both doctors individually spend dozens of hours with Magnotta, he refused to meet with any Crown-retained psychiatrists." Forsenic psychiatrist, Dr. John Bradford, didn't work on the case because of [Bernardo, Homolka, Pickton et al.] PTSD, which he previously didn't believe was a condition (weird, he's a shrink).


As lucrative as the stripper, escort and gay porn business may be, how did Magnotta get money and passports to travel, from Toronto, to New York, Florida, London, Montreal, to Dr Joel Paris, France and Berlin. In 2007, Magnotta said online rumours about him dating Karla Homolka affected his career, which was "going downhill these days, to be honest with you." He was marked (Joe Warmington interview Toronto Sun, 2007) in Toronto, marked (New York kitten videos, 2011, Magnotta said: client "Manny" Manuel Lopez made him do it and that he didn't know how the videos got online, "Rebecca" owned the python) and marked (Alex West interview, Sun, hotel by Wembly, Dec 2011) in London.

At trial
Magnotta's father: allegations that son had an affair with his wife trial, yikes (Oct 31, 2014)
Magnotta's mother: put children's pet rabbits outside to freeze to death in the winter yikes, seeking help, compulsive hair pulling (Nov 14, 2014)

Four packages of international student Jun Lin were sent to 1) False Creek Elementary School near Olympic Village, 2) St. George's private boys school on the west end (both Vancouver), conservative hq (Albert St, Ottawa, partially opened by Jenni Byrne, issues manager for the prime minister, who notified Nigel Wright, "Neil Fenton" etc) and 4) liberal hq/ intercepted by Canada Post ("You need to speak to Laureen Teskey and her family, lots to hide"). The Crown suggested Lin's murder was à la mode Basic Instinct (straddled, stabbed and an ice pick which was a silver-painted screwdriver).

Charged with first-degree murder and 4 other counts ["Magnotta is charged with first-degree murder, committing an indignity to a human body, publishing obscene material, criminally harassing Prime Minister Stephen Harper and other members of Parliament and mailing obscene and indecent material."] (Dec 9, 2014)

Jenni Byrne dated Ottawa MP Pierre Poillievre (CON: Nepean-Carleton) ("the (other) woman behind Harper"). On May 29, 2012, a foul-smelling package was brought to her by an assistant.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

mr biggs

Nice work if you can get it, misters national securities, FBI, RCMP, Mr Biggs. 1) I wonder whose idea it was to blow the fuck up a via train. 2) I wonder whose idea it was to blow up BC's legislative assembly, find some fucking idiot drug addicts to do it, Mr FBI Biggs.

Argument: There wouldn't actually be these terroribles if it weren't for Mr Biggs, sekyurity-partnerin high-rollin cash-throwin safe-house safe-mansion anonin moneybaggin dupin terror-makin and tax-dollars-workin mind-theatrin no chaos, supplyin.

Entrapment, nice work if you can get it. Business is booming. I'd reckon it's the same fucking guy. And the Cleveland occupy encampment bridge bombers. And the eco-terrorist, recently released (“Anna” was a pink-haired 17-year-old who the FBI recruited).