I don't know how much ("taxpayers"/public) R&D money was invested in AECL since the 1940s, but in 2011 its technology sold for a mere $15 million, plus 15 years of royalties, which could net a return of ... (as much as!) ... $285 million.
In 2009 alone, it received $651 million in federal support. Optics: someone got a sweet deal. And it wasn't Linda Keen, the
president of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission or any nuclear remediation people. I await the Canadian Taxpayers Federation report on this debacle.
Candu reactor, "CANada Deuterium Uranium" |
Predictions. CBC is kind of a Crown Corporation, so it will go to Quebecor for $1.75. Canada Post, au revoir. The Bank of Canada and Royal Canadian Mint will get sucked into the U.S. Federal Reserve vortex of Fraser Institology um, City of London mergerness. Canadian Museum of Civilizational History, almost fini ($25 million). Military Museums, who knows, just say yay! illegal settlements, fait accompli. The Young Royals and The Baby will make many appearances during times of comet tails, Jesus, and Heavens to Betsy what's-her-name will look like a nice brunette Mary and madonna, just like a Warhol suddenly is on the Sotheby's market with #99. The U.S. will default on its debt, so the wars will be free!
That's how Minister Flaherty will balance his books, with fire sales.
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