Monday, September 23, 2013

stem cell food

If a stem cell burger is meat, is a potential human stem cell food additive baby juice?

Mark Post presents the €250,000 burger, grown in a laboratory from muscle stem cells.
“The company’s key flavor programs focus on the discovery and development of savory, sweet and salt flavor ingredients that are intended to allow for the reduction of MSG, sugar and salt in food and beverage products,” the Senomyx web site says. “Using isolated human taste receptors, we created proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems that provide a biochemical or electronic readout when a flavor ingredient interacts with the receptor.”

Patent S2383. Be ye pro-life or pro-choice, it is weird. Hospitals and clinics gotsta make vats and vats of money selling fetal material. There's an "emerging market growing potential" of sweet brain experiences by Nestlé, Ajinomoto, Co., Inc., Firmenich (flavor chemicals). See also S6821 Bitter Blocker.

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