Thursday, June 27, 2013

there he is! poet lariat

Wikipedia: Noah (orant)
Jet stream gets stuck. The weather system came over the mountains from the Pacific. As it spun and stalled over the foothills, it pulled in moisture from Saskatchewan, the United States and the Gulf of Mexico.

As Parliamentary Poet, Fred Wah had one assignment: Diamond Jubilee. Souds easy nufh, and they're hiring! Queen's a queen for sixty, ain't that nifty. [£900,000]

Nomination deadline: Position of Canadian Parliamentary Poet Laureate, 2014-2016. Deadline to submit nominations: Wednesday 3 July 2013.

Wah says he would like more work. According to the National Post, he has a "list of what would have been more worthy topics for Canada’s national poet to tackle, apparently taking aim at the Conservative government’s immigration reforms, its legislative agenda on aboriginal issues, its strong backing for Israel on questions of peace and security in the Middle East, and its openness to the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline."

According to Wah: “I wish that my government had asked me to write poetry about immigration policy, about Idle No More, about Canada’s complicity in the Middle East, the Enbridge pipeline... I haven’t been asked to do any of those things.” ("A Poet Without Poems," National Post)

The position of poet lariat was vacant from April to Dec 2011. Wah is a former teacher at Selkirk College, David Thompson University Centre and the University of Calgary.

Ideas for Parliamentary Committee, PBO, PMO, or Whoever Is In Charge of Poet Laureate's Assignments. Big, big floods. Floods of the century. Unprecedented, catastrophic, floods. (many rivers! creeks! :: Bow R. 1902, 1915, 1932 :: Elbow R. 1915, 1923, 1929, 1932, 2005 :: God willing and the creek/s don't rise. property values, hazard zones. realtors, developers.) Senate? Elections Canada. Wright-wing nuts? White-ring nuts? Stampedes for Winnipeg KISS key tickets... and Cheney Dixie Chicks doctrine? MacKenzie Northern Railway, CPR, Mary River Railroad, Baffinland. CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Corp). Permafrost. Alberta Saudi Bushes. Snubbery: Marc Garneau. Brad Wall, potash, uranium. Big Brother/PRISM & NSA premiering on Global TV? Season 15, of digitizing and modernizing. There's that. Word Nation in April 21-28. Edmonton 2013.

In other news, Nestlé applies for patent, a fennel flower extract, and its {Bilderberger} CEO, Peter Brabick, says water should be privatized, Avenue Nestlé. Transport Canada deletes environment from Transport Canada website (Navigable Waters Protection Act)(Oct/12), even though parts of a CP train loaded with hazmat just may fall in a river and force the evacuation of a surrounding neighborhood and an already-under-repair waste water treatment plant and, in a large city that's in a local state of emergency. You kin delete environment butt it'll delete you, that's Leviticus, more than shellfish. A 1996 damage estimate for a *1/100 Year* Calgary flood is $131 million (actual: ~$500 million). TM writers argue moral rights clauses. Back-Door Tar Sands Scheme Blocked by Maine Community. A Victoria historic site is scheduled for um, deletion. "In order to serve tourists better," Cavendish home was closed on Sunday, Monday, in June, and no one told tourists. Austerity, a small arithmetic mistake. Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC), Dr. Arthur Porter's Panamanian lawyer was a Noriega middleman. Heritage Minister James Moore develops a premium access plan [from the Ottawa Citizen. Report: “Library and Archives Canada Private Deal Would Take Millions of Documents Out of Public Domain”] for a publicly-funded Library and Archives Canada. CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) quiety announces changes to "local food" labelling (50km to *1,500km*).

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

CCS U ~ r&d carbonmonster

Provincial government: there's no money for higher education ($100m cuts)(protests and leaving), because it was all spent on Frack U. ($300m) and carbon capture and storage (ccs)/clean oil energy ($745m), ($1.3b and federal enzymes ($4.7m)).

Frack U.
Oh look. September 23, 2009. Burying Carbon Dioxide in Underground Saline Aqifers: Political Folly or Climate Change Fix? By Graham Thomson, The Program On Water Issues (POWI). 'Program support from the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation and the Tides Canada Foundation is gratefully acknowledged.'

Saturday, June 15, 2013

evil fucks

HAPNER NEWS. what kind of evil fuckgovernor namesa whole fucking ayotollah canada government after himROYALASSHATself  Meglomaniac dickwad sturmtroupefuck,The fucking Media PRTY
mediaingFREAK! it's an "office" goddamn monkeyshitwhite noise..

The "Harper Government" this, the "Harper Government," that, this the NigelfuckyParty that.


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

99 AHS execs on the wall

AHS, more re-structuring.

$3.2 million bonus payouts to 99 executives (AHS Executive Bonuses: Chair Openly Defies Government's Directive To Stop Bonus Payouts, Jun 12, 2013)

So: the Entire board is fired (Alberta Health Minister Fred Horne appointed AHS chair, Stephen Lockwood, less than a year ago). The province announces 24 new clinics and cuts long-term care ("P3" privatiztion).

canada post - junk biznuz & spam


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