Sunday, March 17, 2013

hehe, Togneri's back

On boogers in the body politic. The Alberta Wildrose Party Sure can pick 'em!

Sebastien Togneri, the high level Tory operative accused of blocking freedom of information requests
"Togneri set off a political firestorm when it was revealed by The Canadian Press that he, as a senior aide to then Public Works Minister Christian Paradis, had ordered the "unrelease" of a sensitive document that the department was set to provide to the news agency after a request under the Access to Information Act. As a result, he was the subject of a year-long probe by Canada's information commissioner in 2011 in which he was found to have meddled in a number of access-to-information files in 2010. The investigation concluded that Togneri had interfered with the release of a record, even though he had no legal authority to do so." source

Wildrose spokesman: Vitor Marciano 

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