Friday, December 7, 2012

Piplyme oilive oylsands, update

These new transmission (power) lines will help Albertans. It will reduce their electrical bills, except for a mere $3/mo residential customer interim, like shoot-shovel-and-shutup-Ralph-Klein's energy-deregulation did. (ha)

Ooops. Dec 7, 2012. "AltaGas withdraws permit to export to U.S."
"AltaGas filed the application in error, and has no plans to sell power from Alberta to the U.S. We expect to withdraw the application," said AltaGas spokesperson Neil Mackie.

May 19, 2011. "Wikileaks offers insight on Alberta power lines"
Cellucci writes that Alberta’s former Energy Minister Murray Smith “and others” want the U.S. government to be “aware that over time there will be tremendous electricity co-generation available as a result of the huge thermal needs of the oil sands refining process.” “This could over time make significant new electricity exports available to the United States.” The diplomatic cable also reveals Alberta’s provincial ministers and energy sector executives “broadly” supported “U.S. goals in Iraq” and resented former federal Natural Resource Minister Herb Dhaliwal’s assertion that former U.S. President George Bush was a “failed statesman.”

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