Sunday, September 30, 2012

hapner: lawheed's tru patriot act

welp. on the plus side peter lougheed walked away from karlheinz. hey, look, it's peter kent. sure was a lot of talk about the big conservative family.

peter lougheed (1928-2012)
besides stampedin', hapner rode in for frank glenfield's funeral last year. {hapner "entered the University of Calgary, which is right . . . of the Ayatollah Khomeini, as you probably know, and he became very much under that influence."}

in my mynde, 'patriot' is an american word. here's lougheed at the banff springs hotel as co-chair:
On September 12 to 14, 2006, business and government representatives from the three North American countries met in secret, with no media coverage, at the Banff Springs Hotel and convened the North American Forum. Judicial Watch, a U.S. public watchdog group got declassified government documents through a Freedom of Information Act request and made the documents available on their website. These documents reveal the discussions and membership in the secret meetings. The Canadian co-chair of the meeting was former Alberta premier Peter Lougheed, and Canadian participants included Day, D’Aquino (also a member of the NACC), all NACC corporate representatives, and John Manley. In the released documents, under the forum discussion on “Border Infrastructure and Continental Prosperity,” chaired by John Manley, a startling quote was revealed: “While a vision is appealing, working on the infrastructure might yield more benefit and bring more people on board (‘evolution by stealth’).” What exactly are they evolving by stealth? Oh right, our country. source
so, yeah, a true patriot act. next question: there was such a backlash about state-owned petro canada, yet selling nexen [china national offshore cnooc's $15b (cash) organ trafficking money laundering deal], and alderon stuff is okay, and bombardier private jet sales are booming, so is huawei telecomm. hapner still hates cuba: it's communist! funny how the days go. gotta wonder, whatever was going on with danny williams and the impoverished national hockey league (strike!).

as the afghanistan mission closes, the first 4 soldiers killed in 2002 by U.S. pilots (Tarnak Farm incident: eight seriously wounded) and the last 2 by suicide. that is that.

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