Friday, June 3, 2011

Bollywood, Cricket, a Con Majority with GMO Popcorn

Con Canada is Very Ethnic, and Number One! lending our material support to terrorists, WOO HOO, and world's most dangerous men people on ice - (no, not THAT ice like mafia iced or cryo-preserve$ or diamond scarcity & jubilees)(rather, James Moore $75 iPod tax Canuck/Bruins who-truly-gives-a-phLying-puck heritage minister ice, wid de Beers eh).
---> {Immigration Minister Jason Kenney breaking rules and his official MP letterhead// BREAKING THROUGH - BUILDING THE CONSERVATIVE BRAND
  • Heavy deployment over 2 weeks (Starting March 15)
  • Official "Launch" on March 20 (India Cricket Match)
  • TV Buy Costs: $125,000, $250,000, $68,000, $318,000
---> D Company is said to have a 60 per cent stake in the Bollywood film industry and controls most betting on cricket matches.

one big thumbs up! with fake butter (topping)!
After all is said and re-counted: CON 166; NDP 103; LIB 34; BLOC 4; GRN 1.

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