Friday, March 11, 2011

Analemma, Eight(8), Infinity and Bowling Pins

I'm not talking about Paul Hagis, Scientology, cults, Gulf of Mexico BP oil Sheen rants, aether goddesses, Annalemma Magazine, or Anna Lemma on Just paths of heavenly or celestial bodies, in this instance, a star. Our sun does a journey over and over. It's infinity!

No, I mean it really is infinitY.
with a why (or a tipped eight), like many, many eights and bowling pins.

The thunder god IS bowling. Anna Lemma, Leibnitz, and Newton. Moments fall like apples... the daily declination of the sun over an orbit year. WIKI: The term is commonly applied nowadays to the figure traced in the sky when the position of the Sun is plotted at the same time each day over a calendar year from a particular location on Earth.

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