Wednesday, March 30, 2011

North Africa Treaty Organization, biznuz az uzual nuke==reactorz

GE to buy French Converteam (electric motors) for $3.2 billion. Bonus: building its presents in "fast-growing mining and metal sectors." US prosecutors consider manslaughter charges against BP. Stocks fall.

GE could fix its nuclear reactors, but no. Three meltdowns.

TEPCO president hospitalized for high blood pressure and dizziness
Unit 3 and Unit 4 (right)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Harper letter to GG Clarkson, 2004

Here's Stephen Harper's letter to Adrienne Clarkson in 2004.

September 9, 2004

Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson,
C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., C.D.
Governor General
Rideau Hall
1 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A1


As leaders of the opposition parties, we are well aware that, given the Liberal minority government, you could be asked by the Prime Minister to dissolve the 38th Parliament at any time should the House of Commons fail to support some part of the government's program.

We respectfully point out that the opposition parties, who together constitute a majority in the House, have been in close consultation. We believe that, should a request for dissolution arise this should give you cause, as constitutional practice has determined, to consult the opposition leaders and consider all of your options before exercising your constitutional authority.

Your attention to this matter is appreciated.


Hon. Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P.
Leader of the Opposition
Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada

Saturday, March 26, 2011

HE'S NOT HERE. Grand Old Panada (GOP). God Bless Panada (GB, BP).

It's one thing to pick on a person for working in another country - a lot of oil people in Libya last month will probably tell you that they are Canadian - and quite another to never really be here. Stephen Harper's (the Conservative Party of Canada's or Council for National Policy's) "he didn't come back for you" jingle was one of the most despicable pieces of childlike fear bogus cr@p ads to hit the airwaves. Who cares if Ignatieff comes back, doesn't, never left, hides under your bed, says "boo!" and falls from a rafter. Um, we're adults now, Mr Harper Bogeyman. Every time I ask myself how low can ya go, it's wa-a-a-y lower, into the fetid mystic. Thanks, Conservatives! Republicans!

And what's next? I'm dying to see, abandoned to see, losing money to see, anthraxing to see, not getting knee surgery to see, beaten up by criminal punks to see, hanging around a silent killer and job axe red tape murderers to see, invaded by Tamil immigrants to see, scanned by 3-d airport scanners to see, drowning in oil to see. It's a crazy world and Stephen will set it right, a classic *big daddy* with a *big army* super-naive bluff. By the way, this kind of "stability" is a joke. This is the 4th election in 7 years!! Where's the Adscam in that! (psst. Paul Martin swallowed the poison pill, there was a Gomery Inquiry, it's over, but for the Government of Canada's contributions to Quebec industries, that's it.)

It's Faze Too of the blessed (/daɪ.əˈkrɪtɨk/) $26M Economic Caption Plan with a May2nd election, the day after Pope John Paul II becomes a new saint on May Day, an erstwhile Workers' Day, which is a good time to think about bail-outs, the economy and Alberta Health Services executive bonuses, 33 years after Pope John Paul I was allegedly whacked, and a few daze after the new royal weeding, even though the previous heir's was enough to last a wretched lifetime, how quaint.

Now, even when the Alberta Firewall and Calgary School embers are warm after 11 years, Harper yells about Quebec, again, and God help me, legitimacy - after ALL those bridges were constructed between Quebec and Alberta, politically-speaking, exactly on account of their willingness to be sovereign provinces (states, or countries, whichever). Harper espouses a problem, not new, it's the schtick, the problem, with the recent votes of non-confidence (Contempt of Parliament) including those of a separatist federal party, as if that's all the BLOC does, separate in perpetuity, not represent constituents who happen to be Canadians the last time I checked. Harper likes to raise that spectre. It's not even an issue these days, until Harper makes it one, recklessly bellowing whenever the parliamentary system works, even proroguing it or about it. But what can you say about a guy who calls his minority government both after himself and an "administration." Whatever gets you through the night. In the day, I wrote a letter to Premier Ralph Klein, so alarmed was I about the good old confederation going into the outhouse hole that I wrote an extra one beyond my MLA to the big cheese. And here we are.

An interesting read might be Wyoming Republicans. Warren A. Morton ran unsuccessfully for governor of Wyoming and had some business dealings with Dick Cheney, U.S. Congressman for Wyoming (January 3, 1979 – March 20, 1989). Ted Morton, his son, is running for premier of Alberta. Ted Morton, Stephen Harper, Tom Flanagan, Rainer Knopff, Andrew Crooks and Ken Boessenkool signed the Alberta separatist (firewall) letter.

Wyoming Republicans: Craig L. Thomas, Dick Cheney, Clifford Hansen, Mike Enzi, ... Richard Honaker, John W. Meldrum, Warren A. Morton, Cynthia Lummis, ...

Oh, that (other) silly U. of C. perfesser Barry Cooper, his Friends of Science and The Bohemian Club.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Plutonium, Cesium, Iodine, Uranium - Chernobyl Today

“After the explosion at Reactor 4 the people of Pripyat flocked on the railway bridge just outside the city to get a good view of the reactor and see what had happened."

The bridge of death

Chernobyl Today: A Creepy Story told in Pictures


“Deserted secondary school near Chernobyl, Illinsty, Ukraine. Dec 1995”

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Coulter on Radiation: Your goldfish is sleeping

Deformity caused by radiation exposure from Chernobyl explosion

O'Reilly, in response to this nonsense, jokingly said "we should all be heading for the nuclear reactor leaking and kind of sunbathing," to which Coulter actually agreed!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

"We will put two fingers in your eyes!" (Gaddafi, Mo, Larry, Curly)

Gaddafi's our S.O.B. Gaddafi is NOT our S.O.B. Gaddafi's our S.O.B. Gaddafi's NOT our black site S.O.B. Gaddafi's our ...

Axis of Evil is a term written with public attribution by speech writer David Frum for a pathetic little pretzel-choker of a man, GWB, the former United States President George W. Bush (State of the Union Address on January 29, 2002). 

Look, it's only the famous BP oil disaster UK yachtsman and his prime miniscule friend: In May 2007, with then-newly crowned BP CEO Tony Hayward and Libya National Oil Company Chairman Shokri Ghanem signed the documents in Libya’s coastal town of Sirt. PM Tony Blair flew in to witness the event and Hayward describing his delight that "Our agreement is the start of an enduring, long-term and mutually beneficial partnership with Libya.
two tonys, lockerbie and a bp spill

*112 Tomahawk cruise missiles
*Raytheon BGM-109, $US600,000 to $US1.2 million each
*oil reserves
*water reserves
*Lockerbie Trial
*heroin trafficking
*mercenaries from the Ukraine
*human rights to sell war
*Witness Found Dead
*Pan Am Flight 103
*Yvonne Fletcher, d. 1984
*Prince Andrew (British trade ambassador), Saif Gaddafi, Jeffrey Epstein (former Member of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations), the Caribbean hideaway (the isle of Little Saint James), a New Mexico ranch, Virginia Roberts & Ghislaine Maxwell
*scores of offshore secret prisons in over 66 countries

Look, over there, or just fuggetaboutit.

Snopes: Batista, Pinochet, Fujimori, Mobutu, the Shah of Iran, Savimbi, Suharto, Trujillo, Botha, FDR, Hull, Acheson, Dulles.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Analemma, Eight(8), Infinity and Bowling Pins

I'm not talking about Paul Hagis, Scientology, cults, Gulf of Mexico BP oil Sheen rants, aether goddesses, Annalemma Magazine, or Anna Lemma on Just paths of heavenly or celestial bodies, in this instance, a star. Our sun does a journey over and over. It's infinity!

No, I mean it really is infinitY.
with a why (or a tipped eight), like many, many eights and bowling pins.

The thunder god IS bowling. Anna Lemma, Leibnitz, and Newton. Moments fall like apples... the daily declination of the sun over an orbit year. WIKI: The term is commonly applied nowadays to the figure traced in the sky when the position of the Sun is plotted at the same time each day over a calendar year from a particular location on Earth.