Monday, February 28, 2011

Summer Anubises, Jackal-Heads and Grain Flail, Not

The temporary Denver International Airport Anubis, at which there's now a measles advisory, grasps a candy cane. It was delivered summer 2010 after Hudson River Anubis. Maybe it's supposed to be whimsical? Christmas-y? Santa Claus Anubis? Death, funerary, pepperminty... embalming Happy & Friendly Anubis? Jesus manger, A Barber Shop or Candy Crook Shepherd Anubis. Arthritic Anubis. Hey! GMO Sugar BeetBeat Agricultural Anubis. MMR Polio Sugar Cube Anubis. I don't get it.

Flail is to nunchaku (nun chucks) as ploughshare is to sword.  Ptolemaic period: Anubis merged with the Greek god Hermes (Hermanubis). Flail is to Anubis as candy cane is to ______.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

We the Kochs

Ian Murphy of Buffalo Beast calls the big guy, WI Gov. Scott Walker, pretending to be David Koch, pronounced Coke, not cock or even Kochsucking Bros. Fun, fun, fun.
Koch: We’ll back you any way we can. What we were thinking about the crowd was, uh, was planting some troublemakers.
Walker: You know, well, the only problem with that —because we thought about that. The problem—the, my only gut reaction to that is right now the lawmakers I’ve talked to have just completely had it with them, the public is not really fond of this […]
As Wisconsin anti union busting protests spread to Missouri and Sarah Palin weighs in with her well-considered gravitas, brother and sister, à la solidarity soirée, up close & personal, on Facebook, some juicy story about {{nurses and teachers--->}} 'shared sacrifice' (see: the Sarah-name and Bristol-name, as trademarks), the kochsuckers, yes bros. It's hard to know what all gets funded: American Legislative Exchange Council and Americans For Prosperity and and Joe the faux populist and what was that climate channel with the "trickle down" crowd.

There seems to be a lot of 'faux' going around... pretend Facebook fans - and/or pretend social consensus - and/or pretend hordes of supporters:
According to an embedded MS Word document found in one of the HBGary emails, it involves creating an army of sockpuppets, with sophisticated "persona management" software that allows a small team of only a few people to appear to be many, while keeping the personas from accidentally cross-contaminating each other--- source
Or denier-bots, similar to Conservative DND (Department of National Defense) CFB Cold Lake based F-18-35 opposition bashing wiki cadets or other Party edict chat soldiers of the fading public sphere, but really software programs. And "Leaked emails from Aaron Barr, CEO of a federal subsidiary for HB Gary" are just part of it. It gets worse.
But what does the US military use those same networks for? Well, we can't tell you: That's "classified," a CENTCOM spokesman recently informed Raw Story.--- source
In 2009: Koch Industries Inc. slashed 25% of workers in Greenbay, Wisconsin while Koch Bros. joint net worth increased by $11b. That's the main thing.

UK Uncut, the new protest group against austerity measures in the UK spreads to USA
UPDATE: Private prisons, Wackenhut and faux assailant - Carlos F. Lam, a Johnson County deputy prosecutor, resigned Thursday [March 24, 2011] after acknowledging he sent an email last month urging Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker to discredit labor union protests by orchestrating a fake assault on himself. Possibly, Lam suggested, the pretend assailant might even use a firearm.

Faux the plumbers.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

God Bless The United Fruit Company

So, Allan Dulles didn't like Árbenz Guzmán, the democratically-elected President of Guatemala. As CIA Director in the Eisenhower administration, Dulles oversaw Operation PBSUCCESS, a Liberation Armyin an Orwellian coup d'état vicious & self-serving banana-loving wayof 400 CIA-armed-and-trained persons with a special offshore radio station pretending to be "spontaneous" patriots. Guzmán won 65% of the vote in the 1950 election. His presidency had no ties to the Soviet Union.

Voice of Liberty radio, Miami
1953 Operation Ajax - overthrew Shah in Iran

Day O Bananas

The word "day" has got to be the only word that means day and night, light and dark, absence and presence, seeing and not seeing, fire and cold ash, sleep and awake. It's a fucking Zoroastrian nightmare, a daymare. Perhaps a scary tale. Is it a 24-hour "day" or is it "day" only with a sun in the sky, a complete rotation or a demiphotontasse?

C'mon mister tally man tally me banana
(The Banana Boat Song)
Harry Belafonte