Saturday, April 4, 2020

Alberta environment minister suspends environment

Minister of Environment, Jason Nixon (Mar 31 order), waives environmental reporting amid covid-19 pandemic. He says complying would be a "hardship" for companies, even though billions and billions of dollars and perks have flowed to O&G of late.

Full article: National Observer

This is the minister who promised no public or Crown land would be sold. This is the minister who helped ram a 2020-21 budget **with a $58/barrel oil price and no sudden-onset global pandemic** which a) unrevised is bad budgeting and b) propels nursing job and health care cuts

This is the person who in 2011 signed a one-year (threatening? let's kill the bitch? poaching? trespassing?) peace bond.


Ministerial rating: 0/5

best of 2019: Alberta forbidden words

UCP provincial government orders public schools to remove the word "public" from their names. Education minister: Adriana LaGrange, Aug15 by ministerial order. 

Lagrange is the Kenney leadership Red Deer pro-life stacker (special guest: hapner). See also Jason Kenney's 2016 interview with Ezra Levant.

Lagrange only was "simplifying naming conventions," along the lines of other "simple" things like UCP firing Elections Commissioner (Bill 22, "only merging" with Elections Alberta).


Ministerial rating: 0/5