Friday, November 28, 2014

The Mechanics Of Electoral Fraud In Canada

2 thumbs up! Micro-targeting from Bush-McCain 2000 to Canada. The initiative for the bingo card scheme actually came from a meeting of the minds between the Conservative Party of Canada and the Bloc, a party whose avowed purpose is to break up Canada. 

Elections Canada: 1. Underfunded, 2. Denied Adequate Enforcement Resources, 3. Denied Legislative Powers To Prosecute Electoral Fraud In A Timely Manner. Bill C-31: An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act and the Public Service Employment Act.

In other news, Pierre Karl Péladeau wants to be PQ leader.

The externalization of the unique stable voter identifier number and the use of the Elections Canada bingo card constitute the 2 elements that enabled the robocall voter suppression scandal. - statement of Will Arlow to the Election Canada Advisory Committee of Political Parties (ACPP)