Thursday, January 30, 2014

stand your ground

Guns, beer, romance, beer, family,
farm, whiskey, marriage and babies
George Canyon wants to be a Member of Parliament for the new federal riding of Bow River, southern Alberta. His campaign song: Stand Your Ground. So it's Florida or RCMP gun confiscation all over again. The canyon (b. Fred Lays) is from Nova Scotia.

In other news, the godfather is suing darth vader for $6 million. The federal government last year pledged $2.8 billion for flood relief, suppose some of it will be a transfer to the Defence Dept. for CF disaster relief costs.

"Supporting provincial and municipal governments during natural disasters in Canada has long been considered one of military’s most important missions." Not any more, suckas!

CBC's Kady O'Malley's funny pics!
Conservative Party policy convention,
November 2013

year of the horse cull

Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development to heritage ponies: Fuck you!

Alberta permits the capture of 200 wild horses for slaughter.
Happy New Year!

Wild West Bon Appétit link

Hy's and Loews

Caesars are expensive at Hy's Steak House in Ottawa.

Jim Flaherty hotel bills