Saturday, July 28, 2012

naziwhiteés: rob ford, heinz fromm, gaffes

The mayor of Toronto says he just didn't know that this racial-holy-war guy was a neo-nazi (jesusfucking christ! the suit, buddy, the fuckingsuit) holythe fuck

"Me meeting with Toronto’s Mayor, Rob Ford to get an
endorsement for the Latvian Homeguard — at Toronto City Hall.
Well. um, okay. The German spy chief (Heinz Fromm, president of domestic intelligence agency, Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV)), resigned earlier this month, because 'important documents relating to the National Socialist Underground terror cell investigation' were shredded--and look at this, the 'three members ... relied on a vast support network'.

On tour, Mittus Romneyus, the Anglo-Saxon, doth charmeth London.

dead bears & counting

1) Bears can count. 2) In May, an NHL hockey player, Vancouver Canucks forward David Booth ((left wing - Detroit, Michigan)) "unleashed the fury" and paid big bucks to hunt bear using a baiting technique, i.e. sit quietly in a tree platform and wait for a bear and other bears may come and go for the bait, but only a certain big, male bear is shot.

on bears counting: one fish, two fish,
red fish, blue fish
Then again, last year more bears were killed in Alberta by wildlife officials--145 bears killed in oilsands--because they're habituated to humans. So, would this baiting habituate bears to humans.

Anyways, between that or whatever--like oil camp garbage--searching, searching. oh wait: 仍然搜索 eblogger ... Twin River Outfitting (Your Host:  Blair Inscho) has a kill rate of over 100 % (?). Blair recommends that "you pass on anything under 6 ft,, as there will be better!"

A delicious-4bears-bait is a mixture of old oatmeal, molasses and beaver guts.

And: Vast amounts of this area have never been baited!! yadayada.. clover, dandelion.. yada... Our hunts take place in a number of areas including ; logged off areas, pipelines, wallows, salt licks, cut lines, natural meadows, fields and other intriguing sites.

And they also do wolves. See article: on Shaw. Bear baiting is illegal in British Columbia, Canada and 18 states in the USA.

3) There aren't a lot of ways for a grizzly bear to die. Bear 71. A 2012 interactive National Film Board of Canada (NFB) web documentary won a Cyber Lion Award at the 59th Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, which took place June 17-23 in Cannes. The wikipedia article lists more installations.

4)  Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Deveopment (AESRD): southwest 2011 DNA samples and grizzly bear reports.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

indian wars. sitting bull, arby & gogmagog skullduggery

A white bison was born Jun16 in Connecticut. And somebodies killed Sparky!? Lightning Medicine Cloud & Buffalo Woman (Lakota Sioux). "We know at least 7 men/women were involved in the planning, instigation and murder of the sacred white buffalo calf" and its mother.

Arby Little Soldier is the great-great-grandson of Sitting Bull. The white buffalo, Wakinya Pejuta Mahpiya, was born last year, May 12th 2011 during a storm, on Arby's ranch, near Greenville, Texas.

Friday, July 20, 2012

great pyramid at/of giza - power station #1

That's interesting: it's a power station. (Also called the Pyramid of Khufu and the Pyramid of Cheops (Gr.)/ Kheops, Khufu's Great Pyramid.)

The stars were used as a surveying tool. Watch the video series called: How the Great Pyramid Was Built. The Pharaoh's Pump Foundation

测试 testing 1,2,3

la la. lalala. Presto google.


Weird stuff.