Sunday, March 20, 2011

"We will put two fingers in your eyes!" (Gaddafi, Mo, Larry, Curly)

Gaddafi's our S.O.B. Gaddafi is NOT our S.O.B. Gaddafi's our S.O.B. Gaddafi's NOT our black site S.O.B. Gaddafi's our ...

Axis of Evil is a term written with public attribution by speech writer David Frum for a pathetic little pretzel-choker of a man, GWB, the former United States President George W. Bush (State of the Union Address on January 29, 2002). 

Look, it's only the famous BP oil disaster UK yachtsman and his prime miniscule friend: In May 2007, with then-newly crowned BP CEO Tony Hayward and Libya National Oil Company Chairman Shokri Ghanem signed the documents in Libya’s coastal town of Sirt. PM Tony Blair flew in to witness the event and Hayward describing his delight that "Our agreement is the start of an enduring, long-term and mutually beneficial partnership with Libya.
two tonys, lockerbie and a bp spill

*112 Tomahawk cruise missiles
*Raytheon BGM-109, $US600,000 to $US1.2 million each
*oil reserves
*water reserves
*Lockerbie Trial
*heroin trafficking
*mercenaries from the Ukraine
*human rights to sell war
*Witness Found Dead
*Pan Am Flight 103
*Yvonne Fletcher, d. 1984
*Prince Andrew (British trade ambassador), Saif Gaddafi, Jeffrey Epstein (former Member of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations), the Caribbean hideaway (the isle of Little Saint James), a New Mexico ranch, Virginia Roberts & Ghislaine Maxwell
*scores of offshore secret prisons in over 66 countries

Look, over there, or just fuggetaboutit.

Snopes: Batista, Pinochet, Fujimori, Mobutu, the Shah of Iran, Savimbi, Suharto, Trujillo, Botha, FDR, Hull, Acheson, Dulles.

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